Alternate Statement Account Specifications (tffst1125m000)

Use this session to maintain specifications of alternative accounts. For each you can indicate which amounts should be moved to alternative statement accounts.

Alternative accounts are account numbers on which amounts are registered that belong to another account type than that of the statement account. This allows you to modify specific coordinates in the statement.

You can make specifications by alternative account, if you do not want to move all columns of a statement.


Financial Statement
An account structure that can consist of child statement accounts and parent statement accounts. At the child level, the statement accounts are linked to ledger accounts and dimensions. With a financial statement, you can collect the desired financial values from the General Ledger and Budgeting modules, and use this data for internal and external financial reporting and analysis.
Alternate Account
The number of the alternate account to which the deviating amounts of the statement columns (to be selected) should be moved.
Sequence Number
The sequence number allows you to check several ranges of statement columns, and - if necessary - to move values between several ranges of columns in case of deviating values. Deviating values have a different Account Type than the one defined in the field in the Statement Accounts (tffst1520m000) session.


For the selected statement, columns 1 through 10 have been defined in the Statement Columns (tffst1105m000) session. You want to link statement columns 1 through 3, 5 through 7, and 9 to alternative account 100.

Alt. Acc.Seq. No.Stat. Columns


Check Column From
The number of the first statement column to be checked on deviating amounts.


Account TypeAmountDeviating
debit values-1,000Yes
debit values1.000No
credit values-1.000No
credit values1.000Yes


Check Column To
The number of the last statement column to be checked on deviating amounts.
Move Column From
The number of the first statement column of which you want to move the amounts to the selected alternative account, in case of deviating amounts according to the selection in the Check Column From and Check Column To fields.


(Check Column)(Move to Column)
Column 1Column 2
(Debit amounts)


The amounts -90 and 1200 from column 2 will be posted to the alternative statement account.

Move Column To
The number of the last statement column of which you want to move the amounts to the selected alternative account, in case of deviating amounts according to the selection in the Check Column From and Check Column To fields.
Move Deviating Values Only
If this check box is selected, only values will be moved that have a different Account Type than the one defined in the field in the Statement Accounts (tffst1520m000) session.


Increase Sequence Number
Increases the value of the Sequence Number field by one.
Decrease Sequence Number
Decreases the value of the Sequence Number field by one.
Renumber Sequence Numbers
Renumbers the values of all Sequence Number fields.