Financial Statement Parameters (tffst0500m000)

Use this session to maintain parameters for the Financial Statements (FST) module.


The date and time when the parameter becomes valid. The parameter is valid until you define a new parameter.
The description of the parameter.

For example, you can indicate why you want to change the parameter.

Actual Value Code
The code to differentiate actual values from budget values.

You can use the Reporting Studio tool to build reports derived from financial statements. Because reports can be built based on actual values as well as on budget values, the difference between those values must be determined. In the LN tables, the budget values are distinguished by means of a budget code. The values without a budget code are actual values. To identify the actual values in Financials, an actual value code is added to the actual values before they are Reporting Studio.

Retain Ratio History for x Years
Enter the number of years the ratio history must be retained.
Backup before deleting Ratio History
If this check box is selected, LN copies obsolete ratio data to the archive company before deleting this obsolete data.
Convert Statement Report to RPT
If this check box is selected, LN converts the statement report to a BIRT-compatible format.
Max Number of Transaction Lines in GBF
Enter the maximum number of transaction lines to be displayed in the GBF ( graphical browser framework).

Default value: 30

Maximum Size TransactionTable
Enter the maximum size of the transaction table.

If the table size exceeds the parameter value, LN will prompt the user to reduce the table size using the Delete Statement Transactions (tffst1500m100) session.