Category (tffam2100s000)

Use this session to define categories and select a default depreciation method for the various asset book types.

In the Depreciation Method (tffam7110s000) session, you can indicate the asset book types for which a depreciation method is valid.

In the Assets (tffam1500m000) session, you can link a category to each asset.

When you create a category, it is defined as its own subcategory by default. You can define a different subcategory.


Used to classify an asset and provide data entry defaults during asset entry. Categories have associated subcategories, which are assigned by default.
The description or name of the code.
Property Type Code
You can select a property type in the Property Types (tffam7180m000) session.
ITC Method
Choose an Investment Tax Credit (ITC method).
Asset Life (YY/MM)
The asset life in YY/MM is used as default for asset books that are not of the Units Of Production depreciation method type.

This default is only applied if in the Depreciation Method (tffam7110s000) subsession of the Depreciation Methods (tffam7510m000) session the appropriate depreciation method has a class life of zero (0).

Asset Life (YY/MM)
The asset life in YY/MM is used as default for asset books that are not of the Units Of Production depreciation method type.

This default is only applied if in the Depreciation Method (tffam7110s000) subsession of the Depreciation Methods (tffam7510m000) session the appropriate depreciation method has a class life of zero (0).

Asset Life (Units)
The asset life in units is used as the default for asset books with a Units Of Production depreciation method type if the class life is zero (0) for the appropriate depreciation method in the Depreciation Method (tffam7110s000) subsession of the Depreciation Methods (tffam7510m000) session.
Asset Group Code
Select an Asset Group Code from the Asset Groups (tffam4500m000) session.
Default Subcategory
When you create a category, it is selected by default as its own subcategory. You can select a different subcategory in this field.
Depreciate Below Salvage
If this check box is selected, depreciation can continue below the salvage value.
Financial - U.S.
The default depreciation method for the asset book type.
Federal Tax - U.S.
The default depreciation method for the asset book type.
AMT - U.S.
The default depreciation method for the asset book type.

If the default financial book has a UOP depreciation method, you must select an AMT federal method that has an embedded life, or you must select a UOP method.

The default depreciation method for the asset book type.

If the default financial book has a UOP depreciation method, you must select an ACE federal method that has an embedded life, or you must select a UOP method.

Other - U.S.
The default depreciation method for the asset book type.
The default depreciation method for the asset book type.
The default depreciation method for the asset book type.
The default depreciation method for the asset book type.
The default depreciation method for the asset book type.

Select a Special depreciation method which is a non-United States depreciation type. It permits either custom or excess depreciation to be posted to the General Ledger module. It supplements Commercial or Statutory depreciation.