Possible values

  • Balance Sheet

    The account is used for transactions relating to the balance sheet items, that is the company's assets and liabilities. The value of the closing balance for a particular year, in relation to this type of account, is equal to the value of the opening balance of the next year for this ledger account.

  • Profit & Loss

    The account is used for transactions relating to costs and revenues. No balance sheet values are calculated for the ledger accounts in this type of account. The values of these ledger accounts should be closed by the fiscal year.

  • Intercompany

    The account is used for balance sheet accounts that include transactions between different companies controlled by the same holding company. This applies to transactions between companies in the same group and to transactions between companies from different groups.

  • Text

    Accounts of this type are used to print text in a balance sheet. You must define a ledger account in which no transactions can be entered. If you select this ledger account during printing, LN prints the text you have defined for this account in the correct position.