Update Cash Flow Transactions (tfcmg9200m000)

Use this session to update cash flow transactions in the following tables:

  • Open entries tables in Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable
  • Various tables in Cash Management
  • Cash flow transaction tables in General Ledger

You must run this session if both of the following applies:

  • You are upgrading from a previous LN version.
  • You want to use cash flow functionality and you selected Cash Flow Statement on the Concepts tab of the Group Company Parameters (tfgld0101s000) session.
  • If the above applies and you fail to run this session, open invoices and anticipated documents cannot be processed, because Cash Management requires a cash flow reason in all its payment/receipt sessions.
  • You must select at least the Fill Default Cash Flow Reason in Open Entries check box.

In all master data sessions related to cash flow functionality, a cash flow reason must be entered:

  1. In the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session, create at least one cash flow reason.
  2. In the Purchase Types (tcmcs2101m000) and Sales Types (tcmcs2102m000) sessions, assign a cash flow reason to all purchase types and sales types that are used in transactions.
  3. In the Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000) session, assign a cash flow reason to all ledger accounts that are required in transactions.
  4. In the Payment/Receipt Methods (tfcmg0540m000) session, assign the cash flow reason to the various steps.


Update From
The year from which transactions must be retrieved to update cash flow transactions.
The period from which transactions must be retrieved to update cash flow transactions.
Fill Default Cash Flow Reason in Open Entries

If this check box is selected, LN adds the default cash flow reason to the following tables:

  • Open Items (Purchase Invoices & Payments) (tfacp200)
  • Open Items (Sales Invoices & Receipts) (tfacr200)
  • Factored Invoices (tfacr210)
  • Payment/Trade Notes Payable Advice (tfcmg101)
  • Posting Data for Payments without Invoice (tfcmg102)
  • Standing Orders (tfcmg104)
  • Anticipated Payments/Receipts (tfcmg111)
  • Posting Data for Anticipated Payments without Invoice (tfcmg114)
  • Bank Transactions (tfcmg204)
  • Assigned Expenses to Advance Payments (tfcmg208)
  • Remittance Advice Details (tfcmg251)
  • Direct Debit Advice (tfcmg401)
  • Posting Data for Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg503)
  • Non-Finalized Transactions (tfgld102)
  • Finalized Transactions (tfgld106)
Update Cash Flow History

If this check box is selected, LN rebuilds the following cash flow history tables:

  • Cash Flow Transactions (tfgld119)
  • Period Totals - Cash Flow (tfgld219)