Assign Unallocated to Advance Payments/Receipts (tfcmg2108s000)

Use this session to allocate as yet unallocated receipts/payments to advance receipts/payments.


Advance Amount
The currency used for advance payments/receipts.
Advance Amount
The advance amount expressed in the advance payment currency.
Tax Country/Code

Select the tax country code for the transactions.

Tax Country/Code
The tax codes by country combination determines the tax rates.

Enter the country code.

Tax Amount
The tax amount of the advance payment, expressed in the payment currency.
Remaining Amount
The balance amount that must be assigned.
Advance Payment Category
If required, select an advance payment category.

If you selected the Allow Advance Payment Category check box in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session and the posting method is Advance payment, you must select a category.

For details, refer to Advance Payment Categories.

Payment Method
For trade note transactions, you must select a payment method.