Print Remittance Letters (tfcmg1270m000)

Use this session to print remittance letters.

Remittance letters give business partner detailed specification of the created payments.

Remittance letters are required to process payment batches in the Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0140s000) session.


Payment Batch
Enter the batch number to print the payments.

If the value in the Output Type field in the Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0140s000) session is Paper, you can print the data.

If the value is File, the payments must be written to a file

before the payments are printed.

LN prints only the payments for which are processed in the Process Payments (tfcmg1240m000) session.

Payment Date
Enter the payment date linked to the selected batch payments.

Default value

For new batches, LN displays the current date by default.