Audit Payments (tfcmg1255m000)

Use this session to validate the payment batch.

Payment authorization

To audit the batch, you must be authorized for the payment amount in the Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000) session.

The payment amount must be less than or equal to the following amounts defined for you:

  • Maximum Amount by Pay-to Business Partner
  • Maximum amount for Free Payments unless you have full authorization for free payments.


Payment Batch
Pmt Process Dflt ID
Select the payment-process default identification code created in Automatic Process Defaults (tfcmg1190m000) and Automatic Process Defaults by Bank/Payment-Receipt Method (tfcmg1191m000) sessions.
Text for Remittance
Enter the text that you want to print on the remittance advice message (RAM).
Home Currency
The currency used to make payments.


Audit Payments
If you choose this command, the audit payments process is started for the range selected.
Payment Process Defaults
If you choose this command, the Automatic Process Defaults (tfcmg1190m000) session starts, in which you can add/modify payment process defaults.