Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000)

Use this session to authorize users to process payments and direct debits.

You can authorize users to approve payment batches and direct debit batches.

You can set up the maximum amount, or full authorization, for:

  • Non-invoice related payments, for example, standing orders
  • Bank costs
  • Payment differences

You can specify the maximum payment amount and free payments amount for each combination of user and business partner. The maximum amounts for bank costs and payment differences apply to individual invoices.

For each user, you can specify the maximum amounts for which they are authorized, or you can select the Full Authorization check boxes.


Authorization Data
The user who is authorized to approve the payment.
Authorization Data
Max Amount by Pay-to Business Partner
The maximum payment amount to a pay-to business partner that the user can approve.
The local currency of the financial company.
Full Authorization for Free Payments
If this check box is selected, the user has full authorization for free payments.

Free payments include the following types of payment:

If this check box is cleared, you can specify the maximum amount for free payments.

Maximum amount for Free Payments
The maximum amount for which the user can create free payments.
Full Authorization for Bank Costs
If this check box is selected, the user has full authorization to create bank cost transactions.

If this check box is cleared, you can specify the maximum amount for bank costs.

Maximum Amount for Bank Costs
The maximum amount, per invoice, for which the user can create bank cost transactions.
Full Authorization for Pay. Diff.
If this check box is selected, the user has full authorization to create payment difference transactions.

If this check box is cleared, you can specify the maximum amount for payment differences.

Max. Positive Amnt for Pay Diff
The maximum positive amount, per invoice, for which the user can create payment difference transactions.
Max. Negative Amnt for Pay Diff
The maximum negative amount, per invoice, for which the user can create payment difference transactions.
Payer ID
A code that identifies the user who creates and is responsible for the payment files.

The payer ID is specified in the contract that you have with the bank. The payer ID is a requirement for Nordic bank files.

As a number of employees can perform actions on one bank account, the payment file must include the operator ID of the person who created the payment file. Usually, the company’s CEO has an operator ID which is used for all the company's accounts irrespective of who uses the account.

Related topics

Kind of User for Payments
Select Normal User or Super User as required.
Payment Batch Approval
The user's authorization level.

Select the appropriate level:

  • Not Authorized
  • Authorized for Own Batches
  • Authorized for Batches of Others
  • Authorized for All Batches

This field is only available if Payment Batch Approval is selected in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session.

Payment Batch Approval Amount
The maximum amount the user is authorized to approve.

This field is only available if Payment Batch Approval is selected in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session.

Direct Debits
Kind of User for Direct Debits
Select Normal User or Super User as required.
Direct Debit Batch Approval
The user's authorization level.

Select the appropriate level:

  • Not Authorized
  • Authorized for Own Batches
  • Authorized for Batches of Others
  • Authorized for All Batches

This field is only available if Direct Debit Batch Approval is selected in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session.

Direct Debit Batch Approval Amount
The maximum amount the user is authorized to approve.

This field is only available if Direct Debit Batch Approval is selected in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session.

Payment Difference Tolerances
Percentage of Invoice lower than expected
The maximum allowed negative payment difference, expressed as a percentage of the invoice amount.

Enter the maximum negative payment difference percentage that is tolerated by LN. This percentage must always be considered together with the amount entered in the Invoice Amount Lower than expected field. If the amounts do not meet the criteria, LN will not give a default value for the maximum negative payment difference.

Percentage of Invoice higher than expected
The maximum allowed positive payment difference, expressed as a percentage of the invoice amount.

Enter the maximum positive payment difference percentage that is tolerated by LN. This percentage must always be considered together with the amount entered in the Invoice Amount Higher than expected field. If the amounts do not meet the criteria, LN will not give a default value for the maximum positive payment difference.

Invoice Amount Lower than expected
The maximum allowed negative payment difference amount.

Enter the maximum negative payment difference that is tolerated by LN. This amount must always be considered together with the percentage defined in the Percentage of Invoice lower than expected field. If the amounts do not meet the criteria, LN will not give a default value for the maximum negative payment difference.

Invoice Amount Higher than expected
The maximum allowed positive payment difference amount.

Enter the maximum positive payment difference that is tolerated by LN. This amount must always be considered together with the percentage defined in the Percentage of Invoice higher than expected field. If the amounts do not meet the criteria, LN will not give a default value for the maximum positive payment difference.