CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000)

Use this session to maintain parameters that control the data in Cash Management. This session determines how processing of data from Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable is carried out.


Effective Date
The date and time when the cash management parameters were last modified.

If this field is empty, you can modify the Cash Management parameters.

The description of the parameter set.
Payment Options
Payments by Company Group
If this check box is selected, the group company will make the payments on behalf of the company.


Company A, B, and C belong to a group company D.

If this check box is cleared, payments can be created, either separately for company A, B, and C, or for company D.

If this check box is selected, payments can be made only by the group company D on behalf of company A, B, and C.

Group companies are defined in the Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000) session.


To select invoices from other companies as well, leave this check box cleared and choose the appropriate setting in the Multi-Company Selection of Invoices for Payment field.

Multi-Company Selection of Invoices for Payment

If this parameter is set to Select Invoices or Both, you can select invoices from other companies, provided that for the other company both of the following applies:

  • The Payments by Company Group check box is cleared.
  • The Multi-Company Selection of Invoices for Payment parameter is set set to Own Invoices Selectable or Both.

Allowed values

  • Select Invoices
  • Own Invoices Selectable
  • Both
  • Not Applicable
  • Default value: Not Applicable
  • This field is only available if Payments by Company Group is cleared.
Select Only Finalized Invoices for Payment
If this check box is selected, only finalized invoices are selected for payment from the Select Invoices for Payment (tfcmg1220m000) session.

Invoices are finalized in the Finalization Process (tfgld1212s000) session.


If you manually process an invoice that is not finalized in the Payment Advice Lines (tfcmg1101m000) session, you receive a warning.

Select Non Approved Invoices for Payment
If this check box is selected, non-approved order related invoices are also selected along with the approved invoices, in the Select Invoices for Payment (tfcmg1220m000) session.

Invoices are approved in the following sessions of the Accounts Payable module:

  • Match/Approve Purchase Invoices (tfacp2107m000)
  • Match/Approve Purchase Invoices by Range (tfacp2280m000)

This parameter does not refer to approval for payment. LN can only select invoices for payment if the Approved for Payment status is Yes or Not Applicable.

Settle Payments with Sales Invoices
If this check box is selected, the Settle Sales Invoices check box is selected by default in the Select Invoices for Payment (tfcmg1220m000) session and sales invoices are included in the specified range of invoices selected for carrying out the payment procedure.
Pay Credit Sales Invoices
If this check box is selected, the Pay SLS Crdt. Notes check box is selected by default in the Select Invoices for Payment (tfcmg1220m000) session and sales credit notes are included in the specified range of invoices selected for carrying out the payment procedure.
Invoke Payment Process after Selection
If this check box is selected, the Uninterrupted Payment Run field in the Select Invoices for Payment (tfcmg1220m000) session is enabled.
Payment Batch Approval
If this check box is selected, an authorized user must approve the payment batch. You cannot make changes to an approved batch. You can authorize users in the Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000) session.
Payment Settings
Bank Relation for Payments
The default bank relation that you can link to the payment procedure.
Last Payment Batch
A batch that contains selected invoices to be paid. After you have checked this batch, LN can carry out the payment run and generate the payment documents.

The last-created payment batch is displayed here, by default. When data is being set up for the first time in a company, the payment batch will be zero.

Default Device for Payments
Select the default output device code on which the payment reports must be printed.
Payment Process Default ID
Select the payment-process default ID code, which appears as a default value in the Select Invoices for Payment (tfcmg1220m000) session and Process Payments (tfcmg1240m000) session. This ID code is used to carry out an uninterrupted payment run.
Withholding Tax
Interim A/C for Withholding Tax
The ledger account for anticipated payments of standing orders for withholding tax and social contributions payable at invoice payment.

For withholding tax and social contributions amounts that are payable at invoice payment, LN posts the anticipated payments to this ledger account. The dimensions are derived from the invoice-from business partner of the standing order.

Deducted Bank Charges
Deducted Bank Charge Account
The ledger account for posting the bank charges that are subtracted from the amount paid to a Japanese supplier.
Interim Deducted Bank Charge Account
The interim account for posting the bank charges that are subtracted from the amount paid to a Japanese supplier.
Interim Deducted Bank Charge Tax Account
The interim account for posting the tax amount that is subtracted from the amount paid to a Japanese supplier.
Direct Debits
Direct Debit Options
Direct Debits by Company Group
If this check box is selected, the group company will collect the customer receipts on behalf of the company.


Company A, B and C belong to a group company D.

If this check box is cleared, customer receipts can be created either separately for each company or for all the companies in a group.

If this check box is selected, only the group company can collect the customer receipts on behalf of company A, B, and C.

Group companies are defined in Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000) session.


To select invoices from other companies as well, leave this check box cleared and choose the appropriate setting in the Multi-Company Selection of Invoices for Direct Debits field.

Multi-Company Selection of Invoices for Direct Debits

If this parameter is set to Select Invoices or Both, you can select invoices from other companies, provided that for the other company both of the following applies:

  • The Payments by Company Group check box is cleared.
  • The Multi-Company Selection of Invoices for Direct Debits parameter is set set to Own Invoices Selectable or Both.

Allowed values

  • Select Invoices
  • Own Invoices Selectable
  • Both
  • Not Applicable
  • Default value: Not Applicable
  • This field is only available if Direct Debits by Company Group is cleared.
Select Only Finalized Invoices for Direct Debits
If this check box is selected, LN selects only finalized invoices in the Select Invoices for Direct Debit (tfcmg4220m000) session.

Invoices are finalized in the Finalization Process (tfgld1212s000) session.


If you manually process an invoice that is not finalized in the Direct Debit Advice (tfcmg4120s000) session, you receive a warning.

Settle Direct Debits with Purchase Invoices
If this check box is selected, the Settle Pur. Invoices option is selected by default in the Select Invoices for Direct Debit (tfcmg4220m000) session and they are included in the specified range of invoices selected for the direct-debit procedure.
Select Non Approved Invoices for Direct Debits
If this check box is selected, not only the approved, but also the non-approved invoices are selected in the Select Invoices for Direct Debit (tfcmg4220m000) session.
Debit Purchase Credit Invoices
If this check box is selected, outstanding purchase credit notes are selected during the generation of a direct debit advice in Select Invoices for Direct Debit (tfcmg4220m000) session, and you can enter a range of purchase credit notes.
Invoke Direct Debits Process after Selection
If this check box is selected, the receipt process automatically after you have selected invoices in the Select Invoices for Direct Debit (tfcmg4220m000) session.

Direct debits can be processed automatically, without user interaction, in the same way as payments are processed automatically. The transactions that cannot be processed correctly are moved to a separate batch. After the direct debit run has finished, you can solve the problems and then process this batch.

Direct Debit Batch Approval
If this check box is selected, an authorized user must approve the direct debit batch. You cannot make changes to an approved batch. You can authorize users in the Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000) session.
Direct Debit Settings
Bank Relation for Direct Debits
The bank relation you must link to the direct debit procedure.
Last Direct Debit Batch
The last created direct debit batch is displayed here.

For a company in which you are setting up data for the first time, the value in this field will be zero.

Default Device for Receipts
The output device to which the receipts file must be sent by default.
Direct Debit Process Dflt ID
The set of default values for the output devices, the transaction dates, the financial periods, and so on, to be used for direct debit processes.

If you leave this field empty, the Uninterrupted direct debit run check box and the Direct Debit Process Dflt ID field in the Select Invoices for Direct Debit (tfcmg4220m000) session are not available.

The direct debit process default ID is the default value of the new Direct Debit Process Dflt ID field in these sessions:

  • Assign Banks to Direct Debits (tfcmg4250m000)
  • Audit Direct Debit Batch (tfcmg4255m000)
Direct Debit Mandate Number Group
The number group to be used for direct debit mandates.
Mandate Series
The series to be used for direct debit mandates.
Cash Details
Advance Payments/Receipts
Calculate Tax on Advance Payments/Receipts
If this check box is selected, LN calculates tax amounts charged on advance payments and advance receipts.

If you select this check box, you can specify the ledger accounts for the tax amounts in the Purchase Tax on Assignment of Advance Payments Sales Tax on Assignment of Advance Receipts fields in one of these sessions:

  • Posting Data for Singular Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000)
  • Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000)

The advance payment or receipt amount must exceed or match the amount defined in the Minimum Amount for Tax Calculation field.

Allow Advance Payment Category
If this check box is selected, LN determines the ledger account from the financial business partner group based on the advance payment category.

Businesses in Germany are legally required to make a distinction between advance payments made for these categories.

If this check box is selected, you can select an advance payment category in the Payment Advice Lines (tfcmg1101m000) session.

Minimum Amount for Tax Calculation
The minimum amount for which LN calculates and posts tax amounts on advance payments and advance receipts.
Local Currency
The local currency in which the amount for tax calculation is expressed.
Withholding Tax
Withholding Tax on Advance Payments
If this check box is selected, the withholding tax is levied on advance payments. The field is available only if you select the Calculate Tax on Advance Payments/Receipts check box.

You must define ledger accounts for withholding tax amounts in the Purchase Tax on Advance Payments and Purchase Tax on Assignment of Advance Payments fields for these sessions:

  • Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000)
  • Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000)
Reverse Document during Assignment
The document to post the contra entry for the withholding tax amount.

The withholding tax amount is posted twice during assignment of the advance and on the invoice. One of the tax amounts in the below documents must be reversed, to provide the correct tax amount. Select the document on which the contra entry must be posted.

  • Latest document: The latest document.
  • Advance: The document used for the advance withholding tax amounts.
  • Earliest document: The earliest document.
  • Invoice: The invoice used to assign the withholding tax amounts.
Statistics/Cash Forecast
Home Currency for Cash Forecast
Select the home currency code for cash forecast.

When you change the home currency for cash forecast, all the earlier records in Cash Forecast are deleted.

Use Euro Instead of EMU Currencies
If this check box is selected, LN converts amounts in EMU currencies to euro before updating the cash forecast. As a result, your cash forecast does not show any EMU currencies.

Related topics

Electronic Bank Statements
Transaction Date in Case of Telebanking
Select the date that you want to use as the document date in the matching results of the electronic bank statements (EBS) process.
Transaction DateDescription
Value DateThe value date of the bank statement line.
Statement DateThe date on the bank statement.


Number Group
The number group to be used for electronic bank statements.
The series to be used for electronic bank statements.
Cash Application Options
Allow Overpayment
To enable overpayment for a remittance advice during the cash application process, select this check box. As a result, an invoice can have a negative balance.
Allow No Action for Overpayment
If you select this check box, Default Action for Overpayment is set to No Action.
Default action for Overpayment
Select one of the options to define the way you want to handle the overpayment amount.

Allowed values

  • Advance
  • Unallocated
Allow Underpayment
To enable underpayment for a remittance advice during the cash application process, select this check box.
Allow Debit Note for Underpayment
Select this check box to create debit notes for underpayments.
Default Action for Underpayment
Select one of the options to define the way you want to handle the underpayment amount.

Allowed values

  • No Action
  • Credit Note
  • Debit Note (only available if Allow Debit Note for Underpayment is selected)
  • Notification of Underpayment
Allow No Invoice Found
Select this check box to indicate a default action if, based on the shipment reference communicated in the remittance advice, no corresponding Accounts Receivable invoice can be found.
Default Action No Invoice Found
Select one of the options to define the way you want to handle this situation.

Allowed values

  • Advance
  • Unallocated
Default Remittance Advice Reason

The default reason code to be used for applying invoices with the remittance advice and proceeding without interruptions in case of:

  • Overapplied remittance advice lines
  • Underapplied remittance advice lines
  • Remittance advice lines for which no corresponding Accounts Receivable invoices can be retrieved based on the shipment reference communicated in the remittance advice.
Remittance Advice
Number Group
The number group to be used for remittance advice.
The series to be used for remittance advice.
LPS/Discount for Partial Payments
Select one of the options for calculating the discount, late payment surcharge, and payment difference for partial payments/receipts.
Adjust Tax for Deductions
If this check box is selected, LN can adjust the tax amounts registered for a sales invoice.

If the payment amount differs from the invoice amount LN can recalculate the tax amount at the receipt/payment of an invoice. The difference can be due to a discount, the deduction of late payment surcharges, or payment differences. The new tax amounts are based on the payment amount.

Ledger Account for Deductions by
The way in which you want to specify the ledger accounts for the posting of tax deductions.

If you select the Adjust Tax for Deductions check box, you can select one of the following values:

  • Tax code
    You can specify the ledger accounts for the current financial company, in the Posting Data for Tax Deductions (tfcmg0150m000) session.
  • Financial BP Group
    You can specify the ledger accounts for the financial business partner group, in the Accounts by Financial BP Group (tfacr0110m100) session.
Tolerances for Payment Difference Defaults
Percentage of Invoice lower than expected
The maximum allowed negative payment difference, expressed as a percentage of the invoice amount.

Enter the maximum negative payment difference percentage that is tolerated by LN. This percentage must always be considered together with the amount entered in the Invoice Amount Lower than expected field. If the amounts do not meet the criteria, LN will not give a default value for the maximum negative payment difference.

For users for whom you do not define a specific tolerance in the Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000) session, LN uses this tolerance amount.

Percentage of Invoice higher than expected
The maximum allowed positive payment difference, expressed as a percentage of the invoice amount.

Enter the maximum positive payment difference percentage that is tolerated by LN. This percentage must always be considered together with the amount entered in the Invoice Amount Higher than expected field. If the amounts do not meet the criteria, LN will not give a default value for the maximum positive payment difference.

For users for whom you do not define a specific tolerance in the Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000) session, LN uses this tolerance amount.

Invoice Amount Lower than expected
Invoice Amount Lower than expected
The maximum allowed negative payment difference amount.

Enter the maximum negative payment difference that is tolerated by LN. This amount must always be considered together with the percentage defined in the Percentage of Invoice lower than expected field. If the amounts do not meet the criteria, LN will not give a default value for the maximum negative payment difference.

For users for whom you do not define a specific tolerance in the Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000) session, LN uses this tolerance amount.

Invoice Amount Higher than expected
The maximum allowed positive payment difference amount.

Enter the maximum positive payment difference that is tolerated by LN. This amount must always be considered together with the percentage defined in the Percentage of Invoice higher than expected field. If the amounts do not meet the criteria, LN will not give a default value for the maximum positive payment difference.

For users for whom you do not define a specific tolerance in the Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000) session, LN uses this tolerance amount.

Bank File Settings
Use Transaction Sequence Number
If this check box is selected, transaction sequence numbers are used in the bank files. Transaction sequence numbers are required by some Norwegian and Swedish banks.

If you select this check box, you can link a set of transaction sequence numbers to a bank in the Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000) session. You define the transaction sequence number codes in the Transaction Sequence Number Code (tfcmg0513m000) session.

Related topics

Reason for Foreign Payment
If this check box is selected, reasons for payments in foreign currencies are included in the bank files.

Related topics

Receipt Acknowledgement
Number Group
The number group LN uses to generate serial numbers for receipt acknowledgements.

In a multicompany structure, you can only enter a number group in the group company.

Transaction Series
The default series LN uses to generate serial numbers for receipt acknowledgements.

Each company of a financial company group must use a unique series.

Separate Ledger Account for Paid Advances
Pay ARR Before Adv.Installment
Select the action LN must take if the integration transactions for advance receipt request are not posted and you create a receipt transaction for the advance installment invoice.
Block Discount Exceeding Tolerance
If this check box is selected, LN you cannot enter or accept a discount that exceeds the discount percentages defined in the Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000) session.

If this check box is cleared, LN displays a warning if you enter payment discounts higher than the discount percentages defined in the Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000) session.

Payment/Receipt Method Checks
Enter the payment/receipt method for checks.

In the Select Invoices for Trade Notes (tfcmg4230m000) session, all invoices with this payment method are selected for direct debit procedure and for composing the checks.

Receipts Against Shipments

If this check box is selected, for each shipment line, LN generates the following:

  • A separate sales invoice, recording the shipment, order, and item information in Accounts Receivable.
  • A receipt schedule with shipment information.

Select this check box to:

If you clear the Receipts Against Shipments check box, LN creates invoices for sales orders according to the composing criteria you select in Invoicing. Credit notes can have a single payment schedule line.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Unused concepts in Invoicing.

Ledger Account
The default account to which factoring commissions must be posted.

This must be a Profit & Loss account. In addition, you can specify the dimensions for the factoring commission as applicable.

The dimensions to which factoring commissions must be posted.
Contingent Liability
Ledger Account
If the invoice is factored and factoring is with recourse, the factored amount must be posted to this account.

This must be a Balance Sheet account. In addition, you can specify the dimensions for the contingent liability account as applicable.

The dimensions to which the factored amount must be posted.
Commission on Partial Payments
The way in which you want to calculate and post the factoring commission on partial payments.
Create debit notes while repaying
To create debit notes, select this check box. To reopen the unpaid invoices, clear this check box.

If this check box is selected, LN generates a debit note when you block the factor's invoice.

If this check box is cleared, the original invoice is reopened when you block the factor's invoice. By default, the check box is cleared.

Transaction Types
Re-open Invoices
The transaction type for a reopened invoice.

The transaction category must be Sales Corrections.

Settle/Unfactor Recourse Invoices
The transaction type for the settlement transactions of factored invoices with recourse.

If you settle a factored invoice with recourse, LN reverses the entries to the Contingent Liability account and the Invoice Factored account. The transaction category must be Journal Vouchers.

Trade Notes
Trade Note to be implemented
If this check box is selected, the trade note functionality is available in Financials.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Unused concepts in Cash Management.

Minimum Trade Note Amount
The minimum amount for which you want to create trade note documents.
Minimum Trade Note Amount
The home currency in which you specify the minimum trade note amount.

LN also uses this currency in the following sessions:

  • Trade Note Division by Pay-by BP (tfcmg0517m000).
  • Trade Note Division by Pay-to BP (tfcmg0518m000).
  • Division for Revenue Stamp Tax (tcmcs1132m000)
TNP Number Group
The number group used to generate document numbers for trade notes payable when LN generates trade notes and when you enter trade notes manually.
TNR Number Group
The number group used to generate document numbers for trade notes receivable when LN generates trade notes and when you enter trade notes manually.
Financial Department for Trade Notes
If this check box is selected, LN registers the department of each trade note step.

If you select this check box, you can generate reports of the trade note balances by business partner and department.

Minimum amount for DAS 2 Reporting
The minimum amount to be used for DAS 2 reporting.
Your own company's SIREN code.

Related topics

Establishment Code
Your own company's site identification code.
Z4 Reporting Applicable
To enable Z4 reporting, select the appropriate option.

Allowed values

  • Payments
  • Receipts
  • Payments and Receipts

For more information, refer to Bundesbank - Reporting system.

Related topics

Minimum amount for Z4 Reporting
The minimum amount to be used for Z4 reporting.

For 2011 the minimum amount is EUR 12,500.

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