Send Documents to Factor (tfacr2212m000)

Use this session to select a range of invoices and credit notes and send them to a factor.

From the specified range, LN only selects invoices that fulfill the following conditions:

  • The invoice is assigned to the factor.
  • The original pay-by business partner of the invoice is different from the current pay-by business partner, which is the factor.
  • The invoice balance is not a zero amount.
  • The invoice is not marked as Doubtful.
  • The invoice does not have a problem code linked to it.
  • The invoice and all the documents that are linked to it are finalized.

For each selected document, LN adds the amount to a total amount. The total amount is compared with the credit limit to check if the credit limit is not exceeded. Only invoices/ credit notes within the credit limit that you defined in the Pay-by Business Partners By Factor (tfacr0116m000) session are automatically selected. To increase the number of documents that can be factored within the credit limit, LN first selects the credit notes and negative invoices from the specified range.

If part of an invoice is selected for anticipated receipts and the status of the anticipated receipt is Document sent to Business Partner or Document Issued (for Trade Note Receivables), then such parts are also selected. You cannot further process the anticipated receipt. When you send the documents to the factor, LN recalculates the expected cash date of the documents based on the number of extra days after due date that you entered for the factor in the Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000) session.

To view and refine the selection before you send the documents to the factor, click Specific Invoices. The Send Specific Documents (tfacr2215m000) session starts.

If factoring is without recourse, the original invoices are closed and a new invoice is created in favor of the factor for the net amount factored: The document balance - discount - late payment surcharge.

When you send the documents to the factor, LN recalculates the expected cash date of the documents based on the number of extra days after due date that you entered for the factor in the Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000) session.

The balance receivable for the combination of the factor and the original pay-by business partner is increased when the documents are sent to the factor.


The factor to which the selected documents will be sent.
The factor to which the selected documents will be sent.
Select Specific Invoices
If this check box is selected, you can click Specific Invoices. This starts the Send Specific Documents (tfacr2215m000) session, which you can use to view and refine the selection before you send the documents to the factor.
Original Pay-by BP
The From and To fields define the range of original pay-by business partners for which you want to select invoices and credit notes.
Original Pay-by BP
The From and To fields define the range of original pay-by business partners for which you want to select invoices and credit notes.
Document Type
The From and To fields define the range of document types from which you want to select invoices and credit notes.
Document Type
The From and To fields define the range of document types from which you want to select invoices and credit notes.
Transaction Type
The From and To fields define the range of transaction types from which you want to select invoices and credit notes.
Transaction Type
The From and To fields define the range of transaction types from which you want to select invoices and credit notes.
The From and To fields define the range of document numbers from which you want to select invoices and credit notes.
The From and To fields define the range of document numbers from which you want to select invoices and credit notes.
Invoice Date
The From and To fields define the range of document dates from which you want to select invoices and credit notes.
Invoice Date
The From and To fields define the range of document dates from which you want to select invoices and credit notes.
With Recourse
The Send With Recourse that you selected in the ACR Parameters (tfacr0100s000)
With Recourse
The series to be used for the document numbers.
Without Recourse
The Send Without Recourse that you selected in the ACR Parameters (tfacr0100s000)
Without Recourse
The series to be used for the document numbers.
Home Currency
The home currency to be used for the batch.
Print Details
If this check box is selected, LN prints a report with the details of the invoices and credit notes.
Print Error Report
If this check box is selected, LN prints a report of the errors that occur during the transfer.
Document Date
The document date for the financial postings made when the invoices and credit notes are transferred to the factor.
Fiscal Period
The fiscal year of the fiscal periods.
Fiscal Period
The From and To fields define the range of fiscal periods from which you want to select invoices and credit notes.
Fiscal Period
The From and To fields define the range of fiscal periods from which you want to select invoices and credit notes.
Reporting Period
The From and To fields define the range of financial reporting periods from which you want to select invoices and credit notes.
Reporting Period
The From and To fields define the range of financial reporting periods from which you want to select invoices and credit notes.
Tax Period
The From and To fields define the range of tax periods from which you want to select invoices and credit notes.
Tax Period
The From and To fields define the range of tax periods from which you want to select invoices and credit notes.
Batch Number
The number of the batch for transferring the selected invoices to the factor.


Prepares the batch for transferring the selected invoices to the factor.
Specific Invoices
Starts the Send Specific Documents (tfacr2215m000) session, which you can use to view and refine the selection before you send the documents to the factor.