Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1142m000)

Use this session to perform the following actions:

On the View menu, you can click Sort and next, select options to list the invoices, for example, by hold reason, by approval date, or by business partner.

On the appropriate menu, you can click various commands to:

  • Approve and unapprove the invoices. On the submenu, you must select whether you approve or unapprove the Invoices or the Payments.

    If you click Invoices, the command approves or unapproves the price difference and the additional costs. LN selects or clears the Invoice Approved check box.

    If you click Payments, the command approves or unapproves the payment. LN selects or clears the Approved for Payment check box.

    To select a range, press the Shift key and click the first and the last invoice of the range, or press the Ctrl key and click the individual invoices.

  • Start related sessions such as Matched Purchase Invoice/Statement Line Transactions (tfacp1133s000) and Invoice Authorization History (tfacp2510m000).
  • Display only non-approved invoices, approved invoices, or both.
To approve the invoices

To approve price differences and to approve invoices for payment, you must be an authorized user. To display the invoices that you can approve, you must know your Assigned Approver code.

For invoices for which payment approval is required, if you are authorized to approve the invoice for payment and you select the Invoice Approved check box, LN automatically sets the Approved for Payment field to Yes.

If the invoice amount or the price difference exceeds the amount that you can approve, you must assign the invoice to a different user. On the appropriate menu, click Invoice Details to start the Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000) details session. You can enter an assigned approver in the Assigned Approver field.


Assigned Approver
The assigned approver for which you display the invoices.

If this field is empty, the session displays the invoices to which no assigned approver is linked.

To assign or change the assigned approver, on the appropriate menu, click Invoice Details to start the Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000) details session. You can change the value of the Assigned Approver field.

Hold Reason
A code attached to a purchase invoice to block the payment of that invoice.

If this field is empty, no hold reason is linked to the invoice.

To add or remove the hold reason, on the appropriate menu, click Invoice Details to start the Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000) details session. You can change the value of the Hold Reason field.

The invoice transaction type.
The invoice serial number.
Approve Before
The invoice must be approved before this date.
Invoice Approved
If this check box is selected, the price difference and additional costs are approved.

To approve the invoice, select this check box. You must be authorized to approve the price differences and the additional costs amount.

For invoices for which payment approval is required, if you are authorized to approve the invoice for payment and you select the Invoice Approved check box, LN automatically selects the Approved for Payment check box.

Approved for Payment
If this check box is selected, the invoice is approved for payment.

To approve the invoice for payment, select this check box.

If payment approval is not required for the invoice, LN sets this field to Not Applicable.

Price Difference
Additional Cost
The total amount of the additional costs transactions linked to the invoice.
The currency you use for the invoice-from business partner.
The net invoice amount: the total invoice amount minus the total tax amount.
Business Partner
The invoice-from business partner.
If this check box is selected, a text is present.
Invoice Type


Purchase Invoice Authorizations
Starts the Purchase Invoice Authorizations (tfacp0150m000) session, which you can use to authorize specific users to authorize price differences that are detected during purchase invoice matching and approval.
Not Approved Invoices
Displays only not yet approved invoices.
Approved Invoices
Displays only approved invoices.
All Invoices
Displays both approved and not yet approved invoices.
Invoice Details
Starts the Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000) session, which you can use to view the invoice details and to enter or change the hold reason and assigned approver of the invoice.
Invoice Authorization History
Starts the Invoice Authorization History (tfacp2510m000) session, which you can use to view the approval history of the selected purchase invoice.
Purchase Invoice Payment Authorizations
Starts the Purchase Invoice Payment Authorizations (tfacp0114m000) session, which you can use to authorize users to approve purchase invoices for payment.