Sort Budget Data by Discount Type (tdsta2105m000)

Use this session to enter and display detailed budget discounts for sales and purchase discounts, rebates, and commissions.

You can only use this session if the Detailed Discount Specification check box is selected in the Statistics Parameters (tdsta0100m000) session.

Related topics


The sort code for which the budget is defined.
The statistical year for which the budget is recorded.
The period of the year the budget information pertains to.
Discount Type
The type of discount.

Allowed values

Possible values

Total Budget Amount
The total discount amount, commission amount, or rebate amount that is budgeted for the period.
The currency in which the total amount is expressed.
Discount Code
A way to indicate why a discount was granted. For example, you can grant a discount because the customer orders large quantities. If you grant a discount or if you add a surcharge to a sales invoice, you can enter a discount code to indicate the reason.

Surcharges and discounts can be the result of the following:

  • Standard discounts
  • Surcharges
  • Payable commissions
  • Payable rebates

You can use discount codes to indicate why a discount was granted.

Purchase Budget Amount
The purchase discount amount for this discount code.
Sales Budget Amount
The sales discount amount, commission amount, or rebate amount for this discount code.