Budget Percentages (tdsta2104m000)

Use this session to enter and display budgets in terms of percentages.


The fields are the same as the fields in the Absolute Figures (tdsta2100m000) session, except the values are percentages based on the totals from the absolute figures.

You can start this session from the Budgets (tdsta2603m000) session, by defining the Percentages tab.

Related topics


The sort code for which the budget is defined.
The statistical year for which the budget is recorded.
The period of the year the budget information pertains to.

Related topics

Quantity in Inventory Unit
The expected quantity to be purchased, expressed in the inventory unit.
Quantity in Order Unit
The expected quantity to be purchased, expressed in the purchase unit.
Quantity in Price Unit
The expected quantity to be purchased, expressed in the price unit.
The expected weight of the item, which is multiplied with the quantity to be purchased.
The net amount budgeted for the specific period.
Discount Amount
The amount of discounts that is expected to accrue during the period.
Cost Price
The cost price that is budgeted to accrue during the period.
Quantity in Inventory Unit
The expected quantity to be sold, expressed in the inventory unit.
Quantity in Order Unit
The expected quantity to be sold, expressed in the sales unit.
Quantity in Price Unit
The expected quantity to be sold, expressed in the price unit.
The expected weight of the item, which is multiplied with the quantity to be sold.
The net amount budgeted for the specific period.
Discount Amount
The amount of discounts that is expected to accrue during the period.
Commission Amount
The amount of commissions that is expected to accrue during the period.
Rebate Amount
The amount of rebates that is expected to accrue during the period.
Cost of Goods Sold
The cost of goods sold that is budgeted to accrue during the period.
Variable Cost
The amount of variable costs that is budgeted to accrue during the period.
Fixed Cost
The amount of fixed costs that is budgeted to accrue during the period.


Discount Amount Specification
Starts the Sort Budget Data by Discount Type (tdsta2105m000) session, in which you can group the amount fields into a discount amount.
Commission Amount Specification
Starts the Sort Budget Data by Discount Type (tdsta2105m000) session, in which you can group the amount fields into a commission amount.
Rebate Amount Specification
Starts the Sort Budget Data by Discount Type (tdsta2105m000) session, in which you can group the amount fields into a rebate amount.
Reset Percentages
Resets the percentages. As a result, the total of the percentages arrives at 100 (%).