Letters (tdsmi1150m000)

Use this session to maintain standard letters for a mail merge in the Mail Merge by Standard Letter (tdsmi2410m000) session.

Use the Text Editor to maintain the layout of standard letters. On the Options menu of the Text Editor, click Start Zoomsession to retrieve table fields or attributes.

A standard letter can contain the following elements:

  • Normal text
    You can use special characters like ö or é but it is not possible to use print effects such as bold, underscore, and different fonts.
  • Table fields
    You can use all table fields recorded in the Tables to be Displayed in Relation Management (tdsmi0182m000) session.
  • Attributes
    You can use all attributes recorded in the Attributes (tdsmi0550m000) session.
  • Predefined variables
    You can place a "@" in front of these variables.

In the salutation the "before surname" prefix is written with a capital. For this purpose you can use the variable @bef.lst.name. For example: Dear Mr. @bef.lst.name @cor.nama.

The variable @today contains the system date. Fields can be manipulated in the following ways:

  • A field must have a fixed position
    Place "#" in front of it.
  • A field must have a fixed width
    Place "%" in front of it.


The code that identifies the letter in LN.
If this check box is selected, the data is exported. In this case the Mail Merge by Standard Letter (tdsmi2410m000) session does not use the report linked to the session. The data is sent directly to an ASCII file or printer. A file can be merged with a standard letter that is created with the aid of an external word processor.
If this check box is selected, a layout text is made or at least some text is entered in the text manager.