Sales Order Promising Lines (tdsls4117m000)

Use this session to view and maintain sales order lines or sales order component lines that cannot be promised for on time delivery.

The following lines cannot be promised for on time delivery:

  • Lines that are waiting to be checked on available inventory. These are lines for which the order promising status is set to Pending.
  • Lines for which insufficient inventory is available to deliver the line on time. These are lines for which the order promising status is set to Not Accepted.
  • Lines for which an error occurred during the inventory checking process. These are lines for which the order promising status is set to Exception.

Lines whose inventory is checked by SCM Order Promiser, are not visible in this session.

On the appropriate menu, the following options are available:

  • Check Inventory Sales Orders
    Starts the Check Inventory Sales Orders (tdsls4217m000) session, in which you can check the available inventory for a line.
  • Inventory Options
    Click an inventory option on the menu to resolve the inventory shortage.
  • Plan Options
    Click a plan option on the menu to resolve the inventory shortage.
  • ATP Options
    Click an ATP option on the menu to resolve the inventory shortage.
  • Generate Options
    Click a generate option on the menu to resolve the inventory shortage.
  • Adjust Options
    Click an adjust option on the menu to resolve the inventory shortage.
  • Force Accept
    Sets the order promising status to Accepted even though insufficient inventory is available.
  • Set to Not Accepted
    Sets lines that have the Exception status to Not Accepted. Contrary to Exception lines, Not Accepted lines can be included in the inventory check in the Check Inventory Sales Orders (tdsls4217m000) session.
  • Message Log
    Starts the Message Log (tcstl1500m000) session, in which you can view the error messages for lines with the Exception status.

If a line receives the Accepted status, it is no longer visible in this session.


Document Type
The type of inventory shortage line, which can be Sales Order Line, or Sales Order Line Component.
Sales Order
A unique control number assigned to each new customer order, usually during order entry. A sales order number is often used by order promising, master scheduling, cost accounting, invoicing, and so on. For some make-to-order products, a sales order number can also take the place of an end item part number by becoming the control number that is scheduled through the finishing operations.
The number used to identify the position of the order line on the sales or purchase order.
Sequence Number
The number used to identify in detail the position number of a sales order (delivery) line or a purchase order line (detail).
Component Sequence
The sequence number of the sales order line component.
Order Type
The order type, which determines the sessions that are part of the order procedure and how and in which sequence this procedure is executed.
In LN, the raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, sold, and so on.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not held in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The following are examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)
Effectivity Unit
A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item.
The quantity that must be delivered according to the terms on the order line. The quantity is expressed in the purchase unit or the sales unit of the item.
The unit in which the Quantity is expressed.
Order Date
The date on which the order is manually entered into the system or is automatically generated.
Planned Delivery Date
The planned date on which the items on the order/schedule line must be delivered. The planned delivery date cannot occur before the order date/schedule generation date.
The warehouse from which the goods are shipped.
Order Promising Status
A status that informs you about whether a sales quotation line, sales order line, or sales component line can be promised to a customer, or whether inventory checks must still be carried out or insufficient inventory situations must still be resolved for the line.


Channel Master Plan

Result: the line's planned delivery date is updated with the Date from this session.

Item Master Plan

Result: the line's planned delivery date is updated with the Period Start Date from this session.

Item Order Plan

Result: the line's planned delivery date is updated with the Date from this session.

Planned Inventory Transactions by Item

Result: the line is updated with the Warehouse from this session.

Inventory by Item and Warehouse

Result: the line is updated with the Warehouse from this session.

Inventory Commitments
Create Allocation Buffer
Starts the Create Allocation Buffers (tdsls4813s000) session in which you can define an allocation buffer quantity. When the order line is saved, the allocation buffer receives the same specification as the line.

Result: the Allocation Buffer Quantity is inserted in the Inventory Commitments (whinp2100m000) session.

Alternative Items
Starts the Alternative Items (tcibd0505m000) in which you can select an alternative item.

Result: the line is updated with the Alternative Item from this session.

Generate Cross-dock Order
Prepares the line for generation of a cross-docking order.

Result: the Delivery Type is set to Cross-docking for the line.

Generate Direct Delivery Order
Prepares the line for generation of a direct delivery order.

Result: the Delivery Type is set to Direct Delivery for the line.

Generate Purchase Order
Prepares the line for generation of a purchase order.

Result: the Delivery Type is set to Purchase for the line.

Generate Production Order
Prepares the line for generation of a production order.

Result: the Delivery Type is set to Production for the line.

Generate Transfer Order
Starts a dialog session in which the quantity that is needed for the line can be transferred from another warehouse to the line warehouse.
ATP - Handling
Starts the ATP Handling (cprrp4800m000) session in which you can carry out ATP availability checks.

Result: the line is updated with the outcome of the check. For example, a delivery scheme, a warehouse change, or a date change.

ATP - Available
Carries out a fixed date availability check.

Result: the line is updated with the outcome of the check. For example, a delivery scheme or a warehouse change.

ATP - When Available
Carries out a fixed warehouse availability check.

Result: the line is updated with the outcome of the check. For example, a delivery scheme or a date change.

Adjust Quantity Ordered
Checks the available inventory and updates the ordered quantity with the available inventory.
Adjust Hold Back Quantity
Checks the available inventory and adjusts the Hold Back Quantity.

The adjusted hold back quantity is calculated as follows:

ordered quantity - available quantity
ATP - When Available - Single Delivery
Checks when the item is available in a specific warehouse. If inventory is not available on the specified date, inventory can be available on one or more dates after this date. LN takes the latest delivery date to carry out a single delivery. If the line contains a main item with linked components and the Inventory Handling field is set to By Component for the line, the latest (component) delivery date is taken.

Result: the order line's planned delivery date is updated and no delivery schedule is linked to the order line.

Check Inventory Sales Orders
Starts the Check Inventory Sales Orders (tdsls4217m000) session, in which you can check the available inventory for a line.
Set to Not Accepted
Sets lines with the Exception status to Not Accepted.
Message Log
Starts the Message Log (tcstl1500m000) session, in which you can view the error messages for lines that have the Exception status.