Sales Order Line - Deliveries (tdsls4101m900)

Use this session to view, enter, maintain, and process the delivery lines that are linked to a specific sales order line.

This session supports easy order entry. With this session, you can split up a sales order line into multiple delivery lines. The sales order line and delivery lines are displayed on one screen. You cannot maintain sales order line fields in this session.

An order line can be split if deliveries for the sales order line:

  • Must be taken from different warehouses
  • Must be carried out on different days
  • Must be delivered to different addresses
  • You can start this session from the Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900) session, by selecting a sales order line and by clicking Deliveries on the appropriate menu of the Lines tab. If you want to insert delivery lines, process delivery lines, or have information on delivery lines, you can also start this session stand-alone.
  • To view the details of the sales order line, click Sales Order Line Details on the File menu of the current session. As a result, the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session starts.
  • To generate the first delivery line for the sales order line, you must click Generate Line on the appropriate menu of the Delivery Lines tab. Consecutive delivery lines can be inserted by means of the New Delivery Line button, or by selecting a delivery line and clicking Split Delivery Line on the appropriate menu of the Delivery Lines tab.
  • To view the details of a delivery line, select and double-click a delivery line. As a result, the Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session starts.
Delivery lines

The lines on the tabs refer to the following sessions:

  • Delivery Lines
    The lines on the Delivery Lines tab refer to the Sales Order Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session. On this tab, you can enter and view the delivery lines that are linked to the sales order line. Double-click a specific line for more detailed information.
  • Order Promising
    The lines on the Order Promising tab refer to the Sales Order Promising Lines (tdsls4101m400) session. On this tab, you can view the delivery lines'order promising status, check their inventory, and solve inventory shortages, if required.
  • Release to Warehousing
    The lines on the Release to Warehousing tab refer to the Release Sales Order Lines to Warehousing (tdsls4501m140) session. You can view the delivery lines that are waiting to be released to Warehousing. After the delivery line is released, it is removed from the current tab.
  • Actual Delivery Lines
    The lines on the Actual Delivery Lines tab refer to the Sales Order Actual Delivery Lines / Sales Order Invoice Line (tdsls4106m000) session. On this tab, you can view the actual delivery information for the sales order delivery lines.
  • Invoice Lines
    The lines on the Invoice Lines tab refer to the Sales Order Invoice Lines (tdsls4106m100) session. LN only displays delivery lines on which delivery has taken place. For each delivery line, you must specify which part of the delivered quantity can be approved (invoiced) and which part is rejected by the sold-to business partner. After an invoice line is approved, you can release the line to Invoicing. On this tab, LN displays both lines that are waiting to be invoiced, and lines that are already released to Invoicing. For more information, refer to Customer approval.
  • Back Orders
    The lines on the Back Orders tab refer to the Maintain and Confirm Back Orders (tdsls4125m000) session. You can maintain and confirm the delivery lines that are partially delivered and that have the Back Order Quantity field filled. If you select a delivery line, you can release the line to Warehousing. After the line is released, it is removed from the current tab.
  • Relations
    The lines on the Relations tab refer to the Sales Order Line - Relations (tdcms0141m000) session. On this tab, you can view and link relations to sales order delivery lines. This tab is disabled if the Linking of Relations On fields are set to Sales Order in the Commissions/Rebates Parameters (tdcms0100s000) session.
  • Monitor
    The lines on the Monitor tab refer to the Sales Order Lines Monitor (tdsls4510m100) session. You can view all the delivery lines that are linked to the sales order.
  • If you cannot find a specific delivery line on the Release to Warehousing tab or the Invoice Lines tab, the delivery line might not be ready yet for releasing. To find out whether another activity must be carried out before the delivery line can be released to Warehousing or Invoicing, start the Sales Order Line Status (tdsls4534s000) session by clicking Status on the appropriate menu of the Delivery Lines tab.
  • Delivery lines have a sequence number greater than zero.
  • This session can also display back orders for a sales order delivery line.


Sales Order
The number of the sales order.
The number used to identify the position of the order line on the sales or purchase order.
Order Date
The date on which the order is manually entered into the system or is automatically generated.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the sales order header.

If this check box is selected, a text is present.
The unit price of the sales order line expressed in the sales order header currency.
Order Currency
The monetary unit in which the sales price is expressed.
Sales Price Unit
The unit on which the price for the item is based.

The price can be based on a unit that differs from the inventory unit of the item.

Discount Percentage
The discount percentage that applies to the sales order line.
Multi Level Discount
If this check box is selected, a multi-level discount is applied to the sales order line.
Discount Amount
The discount amount for the price per unit for the sales order line.
Total Net Amount
The total order amount. This is a cumulative value of all the sales order line amounts after discounts are deducted.


  • The unit price is 10, quantity is 20, discount is one.
  • The net amount = (unit price - discount) * quantity.
  • (10 - 1) * 20 = 180
The code of the item that is sold.
Order Line
The ordered quantity originally entered for the sales order line.
Delivery Lines
The sales order line's current ordered quantity.

The current total quantity is the sum of the ordered quantity of all delivery lines that are linked to the sales order line.

Order Line
The unit in which an item is sold.


Lines Monitor
Item Inventory
Item Inventory Commitment
Price Inquiry
Starts the Price Inquiry (tdpcg0250m000) session.
Price Simulator
Recalculate Price/Discounts Order Line
Reprices or rediscounts the order line in the Recalculate Price and Discount (tdpcg0240s000) session.
Sales Order Bills of Material