Sales Schedule Actual Delivery Line Reference Distribution (tdsls3542m000)

Use this session to view a sales schedule actual delivery line's reference distribution, which includes one or more schedule lines with references.

For referenced schedule lines, planned warehouse order lines always have a reference distribution.

This session can be started from the Sales Schedule Actual Delivery Lines (tdsls3540m000), Sales Schedule Actual Delivery Lines (tdsls3140m000), Sales Schedule Actual Delivery Lines (tdsls3140m100), and Sales Schedule Invoice Lines (tdsls3140m200) sessions.


Shipped quantities from the Shipment Line Reference Distribution (whinh4529m000) session are added to the schedule lines with a matching reference in the current session. If a specific reference occurs more than once, the first one is fulfilled first.

For sales schedule invoice lines, you can also specify invoice corrections in this session.


A timetable of planned supply of materials. Sales schedules support long-term sales with frequent deliveries. All requirements for the same item, sold-to business partner, ship-to business partner, and delivery parameter are stored in the same sales schedule.
Schedule Type
The sales schedule type, which specifies the sales schedule's purpose.

Allowed values

Release Type

Related topics

Schedule Revision
A number that uniquely identifies the revision of the sales schedule. The sales schedule revision number indicates the sales schedule updates that are sent by your business partner.
Schedule Position
The number of the sales schedule line.
Warehouse Order Line
The position number of the planned warehouse order line that is linked to the sales schedule.
Warehouse Order Line Sequence
The sequence number of the planned warehouse order line that is linked to the sales schedule.
The number of the sales schedule actual delivery line.
Invoice Line
The number of the sales schedule invoice line.
Delivered Quantity
The total delivered quantity of the lines in the reference distribution.
The unit in which the Delivered Quantity is expressed.
Correction Quantity
The total quantity of the lines in the reference distribution for which you do not want to invoice your business partner.
Correction Unit
The unit in which the Correction Quantity is expressed.
Distribution Line
The number of the distribution line in the sales schedule actual delivery line reference distribution.
Delivered Quantity
The distribution line's delivered quantity.
Correction Quantity
The distribution line's quantity that you do not want to invoice your business partner.
The reference that you received from your business partner.
Packaging Reference A
A package building criterion, which refers to the distribution zone or routing code.
Packaging Reference B
A package building criterion, which refers to the consumption point or point of destination.
Customer Schedule Number
The business partner's schedule number.


Sales Schedule Actual Delivery Line Reference Distribution History