Sales Release - Lines (tdsls3508m000)

Use this session to view, enter, and maintain sales release lines, which are used to generate sales schedules.

A sales release line mainly contains item data.

  • Only release lines for which the Release Type is set to Material Release and Shipping Schedule are displayed in this session.
  • A sales release line refers to a sales schedule header.
  • This session is updated when the release line is processed into a sales schedule.
  • If the Status is Processed, you can no longer update the sales release line.


Identifies, by one release number, those sales schedules that share the following common characteristics:
  • Sold-to business partner.
  • Ship-to business partner.
  • Ship-to address.
  • Release type (material release/ shipping schedule/ sequence shipping schedule/ pick-up sheet).
  • Shipment based schedule/ receipt based schedule.
  • Schedule quantity qualifier.
  • Forecast horizon start and end.
  • Sales release origin.
  • Customer release.
  • (Customer order).
Release Revision
A number that uniquely identifies the revision of the release. The release revision number indicates the updates that are sent to the business partner.
Release Position
The number that identifies the sales release line.
Release Type
A classification used to specify the type of the release based on which schedule requirements are grouped and EDI messages can be generated. These messages are indicated by the used schedule.

Allowed values

Release Type

Sold-to BP
Usually a customer's purchase department, the business partner who orders goods or services from your organization, that owns the configurations you maintain, or for whom you perform a project.

The agreement with the sold-to business partner can include the following:

  • Default price and discount agreements
  • Sales order defaults
  • Delivery terms
  • The related ship-to and invoice-to business partner
Item Code System
An external, alternate way of coding items. Coding systems can be general standard systems (such as EAN) or systems that are dependent on a specific business partner.

This field is used for conversion of an incoming EDI item code.

Customer Item
Identification code for an item (product, component, or part). The item code can consist of multiple fields or segments.

This field is automatically filled with the incoming EDI item code, which must be converted during processing EDI messages.


If lines are manually added to releases with the Sales Release Origin set to EDI, you can leave the Item blank and only fill the Customer Item. Item code conversion will be applied during sales release processing if the conversion settings are correctly defined.

In LN, the raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, sold, and so on.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not held in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The following are examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)

If an incoming EDI item is unsuccessfully converted during processing EDI messages, this field is left empty.


If lines are manually added to releases with the Sales Release Origin set to EDI, you can leave the Item blank and only fill the Customer Item. Item code conversion will be applied during sales release processing if the conversion settings are correctly defined.

Convert Item
If this check box is selected, conversion of an EDI item must still be applied.

If conversion is needed during processing releases to schedules, Electronic Data Interchange automatically selects this check box.

Lot Selection
Define conditions for the shipment of lot items.

Allowed values

  • Any
    The goods to be shipped are not subject to any special lot conditions. The items can be shipped in any lot.
  • Same
    You can select any lot for shipment, but the entire shipment must have the same lot.
  • Specific
    You can only ship one specific lot.
If this check box is selected, a text is present.
Ship-to BP
The ship-to business partner to whom you will ship the goods.
The ship-to business partner's address.
EDI Business Partner
The EDI sold-to business partner, which is used for conversion of an incoming EDI item code.

Item code conversion will be applied during sales release processing if the conversion settings are correctly defined.

The sales schedule to which the sales release line refers.
Schedule Revision
A number that uniquely identifies the revision of the sales schedule. The sales schedule revision number indicates the sales schedule updates that are sent by your business partner.
The status of the sales release line.

Allowed values

Sales Release Status

Processing Date
The date and time on which the sales release line was processed into a sales schedule.
Customer Release
The business partner's release number. This number can be used for reference purposes.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000) session.

Customer Revision
The business partner's release revision number. This number can be used for reference purposes.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000) session.

Customer Position
The business partner's release line number. This number can be used for reference purposes.
Customer Order
The number the sold-to business partner assigned to the order. In the automotive industry, it can represent the sold-to business partner's purchase contract number.

If the Use Customer Order for Schedules check box is selected in the Sales Contract Parameters (tdsls0100s300) session, this customer order number is compared with the linked sales contract's customer order number.

Customer CUMs Reset Date
The business partner's CUM reset date.
Prior Required CUM
The required cumulative that you received from your business partner, expressed in the inventory unit.
Inventory Unit
The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

Received CUM
The total cumulated quantity that your ship-to business partner received for the sales schedule, expressed in the inventory unit.
Shipped CUM
The total cumulated quantity that you shipped for the sales schedule, expressed in the inventory unit.

If this field is filled, cumulatives are synchronized with the cumulative data from an external component.

Last Shipment
The number of the last shipment that your business partner received for the sales schedule.
Last Receipt Quantity
The quantity that your business partner received with the last shipment for the sales schedule, expressed in the inventory unit.
Last Receipt Date
The last date on which your business partner received a shipment for the sales schedule.
Last ASN
The number of the advance shipment notice that you sent in advance of the last shipment for the sales schedule.
Sales Office
A department that is identified in the company business model to manage the business partner's sales relations. The sales office is used to identify the locations that are responsible for the organization's sales activities.
If this check box is selected, self-billing is applicable. In this case, the invoice is created by the sold-to business partner.

Default value

If the sales release is:

  • Inserted through electronic data interchange (EDI), the value of this field is defaulted from EDI.
  • Manually entered, this check box is cleared by default. You can manually select this check box.

Related topics

The currency in which the amounts on the sales schedule are expressed.
FAB Authorization Through Date
The date until which the fab authorization is valid.

This date cannot be before the current date.

RAW Authorization Through Date
The date until which the raw authorization is valid.

This date cannot be before the FAB Authorization Through Date.

FAB Authorization
A valid authorization to start the production for a quantity of items that is required on the sales schedule, expressed in the inventory unit.
RAW Authorization
A valid authorization to buy raw material that is needed to produce a quantity of items that is required on the sales schedule, expressed in the inventory unit.
Additional Information
User-defined fields that can be linked to LN tables.

The contents of additional fields can be transferred between LN tables. Additional information fields are meaningless to LN as no functional logic is linked to the contents of these fields.


Release Line Details
Process Sales Releases
Message Log
Starts the Message Log (tcstl1500m000) session.
Sales Schedule Lines
Change Status to Exception
For Created lines, the sales release line Status is changed to Exception. Lines with the Exception status cannot be processed to sales schedules.
Change Status to Created
For Exception lines, the sales release line Status is changed to Created. Lines with the Created status can be processed to sales schedules.