Print Sales Contracts by Item and Price Group (tdsls3410m000)

Use this session to print a report that contains information about a selected range of sales contracts.

  • You can select a range of contracts or select specific contracts to be printed. To print specific contracts, click Specif Contracts. The Enter Specific Sales Contract Numbers (tdsls3820s000) session is started, in which you can select up to ten contracts to be printed.
  • If you want to print another selection of contracts, click Reset Selection. The selection you made in the Enter Specific Sales Contract Numbers (tdsls3820s000) session is removed. To make a new selection, click Specif Contracts.


Contract Type
You can select the contracts to be printed by contract type.
Quantities In
Select the unit in which you want to print the sales contract quantities.

Allowed values

You can print the quantities in: