Delete Sales Contract History (tdsls3202m000)

Use this session to delete the history of a range of selected sales contracts.

  • You can only delete sales contract history after the contract is deleted.
  • Use the Terminate and/or Delete Sales Contracts (tdsls3203m000) session to terminate or delete a sales contract.


Contract Type
You can select the contracts to be printed by contract type.
Transaction Type
You can select the sales contract history to be deleted by the type of transaction that is written to history.
Print Report
If this check box is selected, a report of all deleted sales contract history is generated.
Confirm Deletion
If this check box is selected, all sales contract history in the selected range is deleted.

If this check box is cleared, sales contract history is not deleted. If you only want to generate a report, do not select this check box.


Click Delete to complete the process.