Update Vendor Rating (tdpur8850m000)

Use this session to update the vendor ratings.

This session is the most important session to execute the vendor rating process.


Enter the required data, after which LN carries out the calculate vendor ratings procedure.


Full Update
If this check box is selected, all purchase order lines that are processed in the Process Purchase Orders (tdpur4223m000) session and that fall in the defined period, are taken into account when calculating the vendor rating. As a result, LN calculates totally new ratings that are fully based on the data in the purchase order lines' history.

If this check box is cleared, only the net changes are taken into account. So, only the purchase order lines that are newly processed in the Process Purchase Orders (tdpur4223m000) session and fall in the defined periods, are taken into account.

Year/Period Based On
This field determines the base for the calculation of the year and period in which the vendor ratings are updated. The default value is Order Date.

Allowed values

  • Order Date
    The year and period for updating the vendor ratings is calculated from the order date of the purchase order line.
  • Delivery Date
    The year and period for updating the vendor ratings is calculated from the planned delivery date of the purchase order line.

When you change this option from what is selected in the previous run for updating the vendor ratings, a full update of vendor ratings is required. If the option is not changed, a partial update is sufficient provided the parameters in the Vendor Rating Parameters (tdpur0100m800) session are not changed and/or you want the manual changes to be taken into account.