Questionnaire Results (tdpur8193m000)

Use this session to maintain and to display the vendor-rating questionnaire results.

The employees of your company, who are the contacts of your business partners, for example buyers, fill out the questionnaire directly in this session.

You can also print the vendor rating questionnaires in the Vendor Rating Questionnaires (tdpur8454m000) session and give them to your contacts. Your contacts can fill out the questionnaires according to their findings with the business partners concerned. After the printed questionnaires are filled out, you can enter the results in the Questionnaire Results (tdpur8193m000) session.

When you enter questionnaire results for a new business partner/year/period combination, LN automatically lists the subjective criteria that are defined in the Vendor Rating Subjective Criteria (tdpur8190m000) session. For all subjective criteria, the Applicable check box is cleared by default and the Value field is empty.


Before you can use the current session, you must define:

You cannot delete an individual subjective-criterion record. For a business partner/year/period/employee combination, you can only delete all questionnaire results in one go by clicking Delete All on the appropriate menu.


Business Partner
The business partner to whom the questionnaire results apply.

Allowed values

You can only enter business partners of the types:

Period Table Code
An alphanumeric code that identifies a group of defined time intervals.

Default value

LN retrieves the period table, which is used for vendor rating, from the Vendor Rating Parameters (tdpur0100m800) session.

The year in which the period falls and for which the questionnaire results are valid.

You can calculate the vendor ratings on a monthly basis. For example, if you fill in the year 2000 and the period 11, this represents November 2000.

The period for which the questionnaire results are valid.

You can also calculate the vendor ratings on a monthly basis. For example, if you fill in the year 2000 and the period 11, this represents November 2000.

The employee of your company who evaluated the business partner.

The results are filled out on the printed vendor rating questionnaire or entered directly in this session by this employee.

A criterion whose rating is based on user judgements that are entered in a questionnaire.

You can classify subjective criteria in a tree structure.

Subjective criteria are taken into account in vendor rating.

If this field is set to Yes, the employee will assign a subjective value to the relevant subjective criterion that is linked to the business partner/year/period combination. Various employees can assign a subjective value to the same business partner/year/period/subjective criterion combination. When the vendor rating is calculated, an average of each subjective criterion is calculated for each business partner/year/period combination.

If this field is set to No, the employee will not assign a subjective value to the relevant subjective criterion that is linked to the business partner/year/period combination. If not a single employee has assigned a subjective value to the business partner/year/period/subjective criterion combination, LN cannot calculate an average for the relevant business partner/year/period/subjective criterion combination. If this is true, an error report is generated when calculating the vendor rating.

Default value

When you enter questionnaire results for a new business partner/year/period combination, the Applicable field is empty by default.

A single letter used to identify a subjective value.

Allowed values

You can only use the values that are defined in the Vendor Rating Subjective Values (tdpur8192m000) session.

Default value

When you enter questionnaire results for a new business partner/year/period combination, the Value field is empty by default.


Delete All
Use this command to delete all questionnaire results displayed for a business partner/year/period/employee combination.