Print Purchase Invoices (tdpur4404m000)

Use this session to print purchase invoices for internal purposes only. These invoices are only used to compare the data in your system with the data (invoices) you get from the buy-from business partner.

This session only prints purchase invoices for the (selected) purchase orders/schedules that are received (partially) and registered.

If the invoice is not yet printed, and it is a definitive one, an invoice number is generated. The invoice number is zero when printing proforma invoices.


You can select a range of orders or select specific orders for which you want the invoice to be printed. To print specific orders, click the Specific Order(s) button. The Enter Specific Purchase Orders (tdpur4820s000) session is started in which you can select up to 10 orders to be printed.

If you want to print another selection of orders, click the Reset Selection button. LN removes the selection you made in the Enter Specific Purchase Orders (tdpur4820s000) session. To make a new selection again, click the Specific Order(s) button.


Purchase Order
If this check box is selected, you can print invoices for purchase orders.
Purchase Schedule
If this check box is selected, you can print invoices for purchase schedules.
Print Already Printed Invoices
If this check box is selected, definitive invoices in the selected range that have already been printed, are reprinted. A second screen appears on which you can define which of the invoice numbers you want to reprint and which data appears on the report.

When an invoice is reprinted, the invoice number assigned earlier is not overwritten.

Print Consumption Details
If this check box is selected, consumption details are also printed.
Invoice Series
Enter the series number if series are used to number invoices. Whether or not series are used and what series are used, is determined in the Series for Purchase Invoice field of the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session.
Invoice Date
The date on which the invoice is printed.
In this field, you can enter text to be printed at the bottom of each invoice. You can use this for New Year's greetings, holiday period announcements and so on.
Quantities Printed In
Select the unit in which you want to print the quantities.
Landed Costs Appendix
If this check box is selected, landed costs are printed as an appendix on a separate report.

The landed costs are printed that are linked to the buy-from business partner of the purchase order or schedule.

Peg Distribution Appendix
If this check box is selected, peg distribution information is printed as an appendix on a separate report.
Print to predefined Device
If this check box is selected, the report is printed on your default printer.

If this check box is cleared, the report is printed on an alternative, to be specified printer.

Final Invoices
If this check box is selected, final invoices are printed. In the process of printing definitive invoices, each invoice is assigned a new number that can no longer be modified.

If this check box is cleared, no definitive invoices are printed.

Print Summary Invoice
If this check box is selected, a collective invoice is printed that states all receipts from one particular buy-from business partner.

All purchase orders for the same supplier are collected on one invoice as long as the following data is the same:

  • Supplier
  • Financial company number
  • Currency
  • Rate
  • Rate factor
  • Terms of payment
  • Late payment surcharge

If this check box is cleared, a separate invoice is printed for each order.

Print Checksums
If this check box is selected, an extra page is printed at the end of the invoice. This page contains the totals of all invoices printed, and can be used for checking purposes.

This page can be used for checking purposes. The following amounts are printed:

  • Order line discount amount
  • Order discount amount
  • Gross goods amount
  • Cost amount
  • Late payment surcharge amount
  • Tax amount
  • Accounts payable

All amounts are expressed in the home currency.

If this check box is cleared, no totals are printed at the end of the invoice run.

Print Variant Option Descriptions
In order to determine the product variant, a choice is made from the various options available for each feature of the generic item.

If this check box is selected, all selected product variant option descriptions are printed.

Print Invoiced Lines
If this check box is selected, already invoiced purchase schedule lines are printed.
Print Fully Received Lines
If this check box is selected, schedule lines with the status Final Receipt are printed.
Delivery Address by Order Line
If this check box is selected, a delivery address is printed per order line.


Generates a report based on the selected ranges.
Reset Selection
Deletes the selection you entered and enables you to make a new selection.