Print Purchase Order Reminders (tdpur4403m000)

Use this session to print reminders.


You can print all orders for which no receipts are recorded. You can also define a smaller range of business partners to send a reminder to.

The orders whose confirmed delivery date is before or equal to the defined reference date, are printed. If no confirmed delivery date is defined, LN looks at the planned delivery date.

If a part of the ordered goods is delivered, and a part is backordered, the order line for which a changed delivery date is entered, is also printed.


Reference Date
The date that determines which orders are printed on the reminder. All orders that are not yet delivered and have a confirmed or planned delivery date before or equal to the reference date, are printed on the reminding note.
Date on Reminder
The date that you want to be printed on the reminder.
Address To
The address to which the reminder is sent.

Allowed values

  • Buy From
    The reminder is sent to the buy-from business partner in the buy-from business partner's language.
  • Ship From
    The reminder is sent to the ship-from business partner in the ship-from business partner's language.
Sorted By
Select how the purchase orders are sorted on the report.
Print Reminders by Buy-from BP
If this check box is selected, all reminders are grouped and printed by buy-from business partner. If multiple orders must be printed, LN does not display details such as supplier order number, purchase order number, purchase order date and buyer on the report header. However, if only one order must be printed, these details will be displayed.

If this check box is cleared, reminders are printed by order. For each purchase order, LN displays details such as supplier order number, purchase order number, purchase order date, and buyer on the report header.

Ignore Order Lines not yet Printed
If this check box is selected, reminders are printed only for printed order lines. No reminders are printed for not yet printed order lines.

This check box only applies to order lines for which Print Purchase Orders (tdpur4401m000) is linked as an activity to the order type. If this activity is not linked to the order type, reminders are always printed for order lines.


An order is considered printed if the Print Purchase Orders (tdpur4401m000) activity is executed for the order line, which you can view in the Purchase Order Line Status (tdpur4534m000) session.

Print Lines with Unconfirmed Receipt
If this check box is selected, a reminder is also printed for purchase order lines for which an unconfirmed receipt exists in Warehousing.

If this check box is cleared, no reminder is printed for purchase order lines for which a receipt exists in Warehousing that is not yet confirmed.

Print to predefined Device
If this check box is selected, the report is printed on your default printer.

If this check box is cleared, the report is printed on an alternative, to be specified printer.


Generates a report based on the selected ranges.