Release Purchase Orders to Warehousing (tdpur4246m000)

Use this session to release purchase orders to the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session in Warehousing.

After an order is released to Warehousing, a warehousing order is created. Without a warehousing order, Warehousing cannot print documents and receive the ordered goods.

A warehousing order needs to be created once per order line. The purchase order lines with Release to Warehousing order status in the Purchase Order Line Status (tdpur4534m000) session, are released in this session.

  • You can click Spec Order(s) if the orders you want to release to Warehousing are not in a successive range.
  • An order line is only released to Warehousing if the line's release date is before or the same as the reference date specified in this session.


Print Errors
If this check box is selected, errors that arise during the creation of a warehousing order are printed.
Print Released Lines
If this check box is selected, the released purchase order lines are printed.
Upto Release Date
This reference date is used to indicate the date until which warehousing orders are created.

LN releases the (selected) purchase orders only with a planned delivery date before the reference date. This is to prevent Warehousing from information overload.

Print to predefined Device
If this check box is selected, the report is printed on your default printer.

If this check box is cleared, the report is printed on an alternative, to be specified printer.


Releases the order(s) to Warehousing.
Reset Selection
Prints another selection of numbers. The selection you entered is deleted. You can make a new selection by clicking Specific Order(s).