Process Delivered Purchase Orders (tdpur4223m000)

Use this session to process purchase orders. These purchase orders are transferred from the regular database to the history database.

A purchase order line is ready for processing if its status reads Ready for Processing in the Purchase Order Line Status (tdpur4534m000) session.

Although a purchase order line is ready for processing, the order line cannot be processed if:

When a purchase order is processed, LN:

  • Inserts a turnover history record.
  • Updates called quantities/amounts and invoiced quanties/amounts for purchase contracts.
  • Updates the average purchase price if Financials is not implemented.
  • Updates the invoice-from business partner's balance.

If all purchase order lines are processed the purchase order is set to Closed.

To update contract data in case of consignment

In case of consignment, two purchase orders exist. One for the replenishment and one for the payment. The consignment replenishment order can be linked to a contract.

When the consignment replenishment order is processed, the contract data is not updated, because no invoice is made for that order. At the moment the consignment payment is done and the order is processed, LN:

  1. Searches for the consignment replenishment order.
  2. Retrieves the contract from the consignment replenishment order.
  3. Updates called quantities/amounts and invoiced quantitities/amounts on the purchase contract.
To match and approve purchase invoices

Processing of purchase orders and matching and approving of purchase orders in Financials can be executed independently from each other. For instance, you can approve the purchase invoice after you processed the purchase order. In this case, the invoice amount is not booked into a turnover history record. As a result, you must repair the situation by running the Process Purchase Orders (tdpur4223m000) session again. In this case, LN notices that the invoice amount is not booked yet into a turnover history record and adds additional turnover history records (- and +) with the invoice amount.


Process up to Date
The date until which you want LN to process the order data.

LN processes all purchase orders of which the actual receipt date is earlier than the date as entered in this field.

You can use this field to only process purchase order lines that are received before a specific date. For more recent lines, you can decide not to process them because you want to perform receipt corrections and process price variations.


If you leave this field empty, LN does not process any order lines.

Print Errors
If this check box is selected, LN prints a report of the errors that occur while processing the purchase orders.