Copy Purchase Contracts (tdpur3801m000)

Use this session to copy existing purchase contracts to new purchase contracts.


The number of the purchase contract that you want to copy.
Buy-from BP
The buy-from business partner of the contract you want to copy.
Purchase Office
The purchase office of the contract you want to copy.
Copy All Lines
If this check box is selected, all the lines of the purchase contract are copied.

If this check box is cleared, you can copy a particular line from the purchase contract. If you click the Select Lines... button, the Purchase Contract Lines Overview (tdpur3501m500) session starts in which you can select a particular contract line.

Buy-from BP
The buy-from business partner of the new contract.
Purchase Office
A department in your organization that is responsible for buying the materials and services needed by your organization. You assign number groups to the purchase office.

In this way, you can assign serial numbers to:

  • Purchase orders
  • Purchase schedules
  • Requests for quotations
  • Purchase contracts

You can also define a default warehouse where goods ordered by the purchase office must be delivered.

Copy Purchase Office from Contract Line
If this check box is selected, and the Purchase Office field is empty for the target contract, it is copied from the source contract.
Ship-from BP
The business partner that ships the ordered goods to your organization. This usually represents a supplier's distribution center or warehouse. The definition includes the default warehouse at which you want to receive the goods and if you want to inspect the goods, the carrier that takes care of the transport, and the related buy-from business partner.
Copy Ship-from BP from Contract Line
If this check box is selected, and the Ship-from BP field is empty for the target contract, it is copied from the source contract.
Invoice-from BP
The business partner that sends invoices to your organization. This usually represents a supplier's accounts receivable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, invoicing method and frequency, information about your organization's credit limit, the terms and method of payment, and the related pay-to business partner.
Pay-to BP
The business partner to which you pay invoices. This usually represents a supplier's accounts receivable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, the supplier's bank relation, the number of days within which you must pay the invoices, and if the business partner uses a factoring company.
Contract Series
The series number with which the new contract number must start.

Default value

LN retrieves the default contract series from the First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session.

Contract Type
The type of the new contract, which can be normal contract or a special contract.

You can always copy a normal contract to a normal contract or a special contract to a special contract.

You can copy a normal contract to a special contract and vice versa, depending on the settings of the following check boxes in the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session:

  • Copy Special Contract to Normal Contract.
  • Copy Normal Contract to Special Contract.
Effective Date
The effective date of the new contract.
Expiry Date
The expiry date of the new contract.
Copy Terms and Conditions
If this check box is selected, the terms and conditions agreement that is linked to the existing purchase contract is copied to the new contract, but with a new number.
Template for Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions template based on which a terms and conditions agreement is generated that is linked to the new contract.
Terms and Conditions Series
The series for the terms and conditions agreement that is linked to the new contract.

You must define this field if the Copy Terms and Conditions is selected or the Template for Terms and Conditions field is filled.

Copy Prices
If this check box is selected, the prices of the existing contract are copied to the new contract.

The following price information is copied to the new contract:

  • The purchase contract price revisions that are linked to the existing contract with effective dates that fall into the effectivity period of the new contract.
  • If no valid price revision exists, the last price revision of the existing contract is copied to the new contract with an effective date equal to the contract line's effective date.

If this check box is cleared, no prices are copied from the existing contract to the new contract.


Discounts and discount schedules from the existing price revision are not automatically included when you copy prices to the new contract's price revision. To also copy discounts to the new contract's price revision, select the Copy Discounts check box in the current session.

Create New Price Book
If this check box is selected, a new price book is filled with the values of the existing contract's price book.

If this check box is cleared, new records are added to the existing price book.


If the Copy Prices check box is cleared, this check box is disabled. So, you can only enter a new price book in the Price Book field, if you copy the prices.

Price Book
The price book code that is used to copy the price book data from the existing contract to the new contract.

LN copies the price book information from the existing contract's price revision to the new price book, with an effective date equal to the contract line's effective date.

If this check box is cleared, new records are added to the existing price book.


You can only enter a new price book code if the Create New Price Book check box is selected.

Copy Discounts
If this check box is selected, the discounts of the existing contract are copied to the new contract.

If the Copy Prices check box is not selected, this check box is unavailable.

Create New Discount Schedule
If this check box is selected, and the discount schedule of the existing contract is expired, you must enter a new discount schedule.

If the Copy Discounts check box is cleared, this check box is disabled. So, you can only enter a new discount schedule in the Discount Schedule field, if you copy the discounts.

Discount Schedule
You can enter a new (not existing) discount schedule code for the new contract.

LN copies the discount schedule information from the existing contract's price revision to the new discount schedule, with an effective date equal to the contract line's effective date.


You can only enter a new discount schedule if the Create New Discount Schedule check box is selected.

Copy Delivery Contract
If this check box is selected, the delivery contract(s) linked to the existing contract is/are copied to the new contract.

The new delivery contract's effective date is calculated as follows:

1. Time factor = 
   (effectivity period new contract * 100) ÷ effectivity period existing contract
2. Add time = 
   (effective date existing delivery contract - effective date existing contract * time factor) ÷ 100
3. New delivery contract's effective date = 
   effective date new contract * add time. 
Copy Terminated Contract Lines
If this check box is selected, terminated contract lines are also copied to the new contract.