Purchase Contract Line - History (tdpur3551m000)

Use this session to display purchase contract history by contract number for purchase contract lines.

  • In the Log Contract Line Transactions field of the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session, you can define which changes are written to history.
  • Depending on the settings of the Log Turnover on Contract check box in the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session, specific fields can be displayed in this session.
  • LN can use this session for reconciliation.

    To reconcile, you must define the following parameters in the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session:

    • Set the Log Contract Line Transactions field to All Transactions.
    • Select the Log Turnover on Contract check box.
    • Select the Log financial transactions check box.

On the appropriate menu, you can choose:

  • Purchase Contract Line Logistics History, to view history about logistic agreements in the Purchase Contract Line Logistics History (tdpur3552m000) session.
  • Purchase Contract Price Revision History, to view price revision history in the Purchase Contract Price Revision History (tdpur3553m000) session.


Trans Date/Time
The date and time when the order/schedule/contract (line) is changed and/or written to the history file.
Trans Type
The cause of the last transaction from the purchase contract to the purchase contract history.

The purchase contract history can consist of four types of transactions, executed in/from the Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000) session:

  • Addition: a record is inserted.
  • Modification: a record is modified.
  • Deletion: a record is deleted.
  • Turnover: the fields Called Quantity, Called Amount, Invoiced Quantity, and Invoiced Amount are updated when linked purchase orders/schedules are processed.
Contract Line Type
The type of contract line.
  • Total
    The contract line is split up in several contract line details. The totaled quantities and amounts are visible on this line.
  • Contract Line
    This line is a normal line. The line is created manually or is generated automatically.
  • Detail
Login Code
The login code of the user who entered the transaction.