FAB/RAW Authorizations (tdpur3534m000)

A records is inserted in this session when a purchase release receives the Sent status or when the cumulatives/authorizations are reset.

Authorizations are used for nonreferenced schedules that are sent to the supplier in a material release, as specified in the Release Type field of the Purchase Release - Lines (tdpur3121m000) session.


Based on the registered values, suppliers can make claims to customers for the quantity of items to which the customers committed themselves.


Received CUM
The received CUM for this combination of Schedule, Reset Date, and Release Date. The received CUM is expressed in the inventory unit.

Default value

This value is defaulted from the Received CUM field of the Purchase Release - Lines (tdpur3121m000) session.

FAB Authorization
The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

High FAB

Default value

This value is defaulted from the High FAB field of the Purchase Release - Lines (tdpur3121m000) session.

High RAW

Default value

This value is defaulted from the High RAW field of the Purchase Release - Lines (tdpur3121m000) session.

Release Date
The date and time, calculated by the issue pattern, which, for non-referenced schedules, is used to define the moment at which:
  • Schedule lines are clustered.
  • A purchase release is sent.
The number of the purchase release.

You can view which purchase schedules are stored under a specific purchase release in the Purchase Release - Lines (tdpur3121m000) session.

Related topics

Release Revision
A number that uniquely identifies the revision of the release. The release revision number indicates the updates that are sent to the business partner.
Release Position
A number used to identify the position of a purchase schedule in a purchase release. Each release line receives a separate release position number.
The number of the purchase schedule.
Sequence Number
A number that is increased as soon as a new record is added to the current session with a Release Date that is equal to the Release Date of an already existing record.
Last Packing Slip
The last packing slip number communicated for this combination of Schedule, Reset Date, and Release Date.

Default value

This number is defaulted from the Packing Slip field of the Purchase Release - Lines (tdpur3121m000) session.

Last Receipt Date
The last receipt date communicated for this combination of Schedule, Reset Date, and Release Date.

Default value

This date is defaulted from the Last Receipt Date field of the Purchase Release - Lines (tdpur3121m000) session.

Required CUM
The prior required CUM for this combination of Schedule, Reset Date, and Release Date. The prior required CUM is expressed in the inventory unit.

Default value

This value is defaulted from the Prior Required CUM field of the Purchase Release - Lines (tdpur3121m000) session.

Last Requirement Date
The last planned delivery date or planned shipment date communicated for this combination of Schedule, Reset Date, and Release Date.

Default value

This date is defaulted from the End Date field of the Purchase Release Line - Details (tdpur3522m000) session.

Reset Date
The purchase schedule's latest CUM reset date.
FAB Authorization
The valid authorization for the business partner to start the production for a quantity of items required on a purchase schedule. The fab authorization is expressed as a cumulative quantity and is calculated using the fab period.