Purchase Contract Line - Analysis (tdpur3513m000)

Use this session to have a results analysis for a purchase contract line based on its cumulated quantities and amounts.

If the purchase contract line is a Total line, this line includes the aggregated quantities of its Detail lines, that is purchase contract line details, which are always linked to push schedules. Consequently, the quantities on the Quantities and Aggregated Quantities tabs are equal for the purchase contract line.

A purchase contract Total line can also be linked to a purchase order line. If this happens, the values on the Quantities tab include the aggregated values of its purchase contract line details, increased by the contract line values generated for the purchase order line. Consequently, the values on the Quantities and Aggregated Quantities tabs differ and the Quantity Mismatch check box is selected.


The availability of various fields depends on the setting of the Log Turnover on Contract check box in the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session.

Related topics


The number of the purchase contract.
Contract Line Status
The status of the purchase contract line.

You can assign a status to each contract line with the following commands:

  • Activate
  • De-activate
  • Terminate
  • For purchase contracts with the Free or Active status in the Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000) session, you can specify new contract lines.
  • You can maintain the status at contract level in the Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000) session. In this case, all contract lines of a contract obtain the same status.
The number of the purchase contract line.
Contract Line Type
The type of contract line.
  • Total
    The contract line is split up in several contract line details. The totaled quantities and amounts are visible on this line.
  • Contract Line
    This line is a normal line. The line is created manually or is generated automatically.
  • Detail
Purchase Office
A department in your organization that is responsible for buying the materials and services needed by your organization. You assign number groups to the purchase office.

In this way, you can assign serial numbers to:

  • Purchase orders
  • Purchase schedules
  • Requests for quotations
  • Purchase contracts

You can also define a default warehouse where goods ordered by the purchase office must be delivered.

Buy-from BP
The business partner from whom you order goods or services; this usually represents a supplier's sales department. The definition includes the default price and discount agreements, purchase-order defaults, delivery terms, and the related ship-from and invoice-from business partner.
In LN, the raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, sold, and so on.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not held in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The following are examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)
Current Date
The current date and time, which is filled automatically when you start this session.
Effective Date
The first day on which a record or a setting is valid. The effective date often includes the effective time.
Expiry Date
The expiry date of the contract.
Time Elapsed
The time elapsed is expressed as a percentage of the total contract duration, as specified in the Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000) session.

The calculation for the time elapsed:


(Current Date - Effective Date ÷ ((Expiry Date - Effective Date) + 1)) * 100%   	 
Agreed Quantity
The contract quantity expressed in the purchase unit.
Purchase Unit
The unit in which you purchase an item, also referred to as the purchase quantity unit.
Agreed Quantity
The contract quantity expressed in the inventory unit.
Inventory Unit
The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

Used Quantity
The total number of called and invoiced items for the contract line, expressed in the purchase unit.
Used Quantity
The total number of called and invoiced items for the contract line, expressed in the inventory unit.
The total number of called and invoiced items, expressed as a percentage of the agreed contract quantity.
Remaining Quantity
The remaining quantity, expressed in the purchase unit.

The calculation for the remaining quantity:

Agreed quantity - Called quantity - Invoiced quantity
Remaining Quantity
The remaining quantity, expressed in the inventory unit.

The calculation for the remaining quantity:

Agreed quantity - Called quantity - Invoiced quantity
Remaining Usage
The total number of remaining items, that is not called or invoiced, expressed as a percentage of the agreed contract quantity.
Expected Quantity
The calculated quantity that you expect to have purchased at the end of the contract, expressed in the purchase unit. This calculation is extrapolated from the contract's ordered quantity that is registered during the part of the effective period that has passed.

The calculation for the expected quantity:

(Total Quantity ÷ Elapsed time in %) * 100%
Expected Quantity
The calculated quantity that you expect to have purchased at the end of the contract, expressed in the inventory unit. This calculation is extrapolated from the contract's ordered quantity that is registered during the part of the effective period that has passed.

The calculation for the expected quantity:

(Total Quantity ÷ Elapsed time in %) * 100%
Expected Usage
The percentage of the items that you should have purchased, which is calculated using the agreed quantity and effective period.
Advised Quantity
The advised quantity, expressed in the purchase unit.

The advised quantity totalizes the following:

  • The ordered quantities of all the unapproved purchase order lines that are linked to the contract line.
  • The scheduled quantities of all the purchase schedule (lines) with the Created status that are linked to the contract line.
Advised Quantity
The advised quantity, expressed in the inventory unit.

The advised quantity totalizes the following:

  • The ordered quantities of all the unapproved purchase order lines that are linked to the contract line.
  • The scheduled quantities of all the purchase schedule (lines) with the Created status that are linked to the contract line.
Called Quantity
The sum of the called quantities of all the purchase order/schedule lines that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the purchase unit.

Based on the called quantity, the effective date, and expiry date, the total contract quantity at the expiry date can be calculated.

The called quantity is increased when an order/schedule line is linked to a contract. The called quantity is decreased again when an order/schedule line is processed in the Process Purchase Orders (tdpur4223m000)/ Process Purchase Schedules (tdpur3223m000) session.

Called Quantity
The sum of the called quantities of all the purchase order/schedule lines that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the inventory unit.
Called Amount
The sum of the called amounts of all purchase order/schedule lines that are linked to the contract line.

Based on the called quantity, the effective date, and expiry date, the total contract quantity at the expiry date can be calculated.

The called amount is increased when an order/schedule line is linked to a contract. The called amount is decreased again when an order/schedule line is processed in the Process Purchase Orders (tdpur4223m000)/ Process Purchase Schedules (tdpur3223m000) session.

Invoiced Quantity
The sum of the invoiced quantities of all purchase order/schedule lines that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the purchase unit.

Based on the invoiced quantity, the effective date, and expiry date, the total invoiced quantity at the expiry date can be calculated.

The invoiced quantity is increased when linked purchase order/schedule lines are processed in the Process Purchase Orders (tdpur4223m000)/ Process Purchase Schedules (tdpur3223m000) session.

Invoiced Quantity
The sum of the invoiced quantities of all purchase order/schedule lines that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the inventory unit.
Invoiced Amount
The sum of the invoiced amounts of all purchase order/schedule lines that are linked to the contract line.

Based on the invoiced amount, the effective date, and expiry date, the total invoiced amount at the expiry date can be calculated.

The invoiced amount is increased when linked purchase order/schedule lines are processed in the Process Purchase Orders (tdpur4223m000)/ Process Purchase Schedules (tdpur3223m000) session.

Minimum Quantity
The minimum contract quantity expressed in the purchase unit.

You can calculate the percentage that the real purchased quantity differs from the minimum quantity with the Evaluate Purchase Contracts (tdpur3420m000) session.

Minimum Quantity
The minimum contract quantity expressed in the inventory unit.
Maximum Quantity
The maximum contract quantity expressed in the purchase unit.

You can calculate the percentage that the real purchased quantity differs from the maximum quantity with the Evaluate Purchase Contracts (tdpur3420m000) session.

When the maximum quantity is reached, you can define what action is taken in the Action on Exceeding Maximum Quantity field of the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session.

Maximum Quantity
The maximum contract quantity expressed in the inventory unit.
Quantity Binding
This field indicates whether the agreed contract quantity is binding.

If this check box is selected, the Evaluate Purchase Contracts (tdpur3420m000) session prints all differences between:

  • The called quantity and the maximum contract quantity
  • The called quantity and the minimum contract quantity

If this check box is cleared, if the boundaries specified in the Evaluate Purchase Contracts (tdpur3420m000) session are exceeded, the Evaluate Purchase Contracts (tdpur3420m000) prints the lines that exceed the allowed deviations.

Required CUM
The required cumulative aggregated from all schedules that are directly or indirectly linked to this contract line, expressed in the purchase unit.

Schedules are indirectly linked to this contract line when they are linked to a related purchase contract line detail.

Required CUM
The required cumulative aggregated from all schedules that are directly or indirectly linked to this contract line, expressed in the inventory unit.

Schedules are indirectly linked to this contract line when they are linked to a related purchase contract line detail.

Received CUM
The received cumulative aggregated from all schedules that are directly or indirectly linked to this contract line, expressed in the purchase unit.

Schedules are indirectly linked to this contract line when they are linked to a related purchase contract line detail.

Received CUM
The received cumulative aggregated from all schedules that are directly or indirectly linked to this contract line, expressed in the inventory unit.

Schedules are indirectly linked to this contract line when they are linked to a related purchase contract line detail.

Aggregated Quantities
Aggregated Agreed Quantity
The sum of the contract quantities of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the purchase unit.
Aggregated Agreed Quantity
The sum of the contract quantities of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the inventory unit.
Aggregated Used Quantity
The sum of the called and invoiced items of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the purchase unit.
Aggregated Used Quantity
The sum of the called and invoiced items of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the inventory unit.
The total number of called and invoiced items of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line, expressed as a percentage of the aggregated agreed contract quantity.
Aggregated Remaining Quantity
The sum of the remaining quantities of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the purchase unit.

The calculation for the aggregated remaining quantity:

Aggregated Agreed Quantity - Aggregated Called Quantity - Aggregated Invoiced Quantity
Aggregated Remaining Quantity
The sum of the remaining quantities of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the inventory unit.

The calculation for the aggregated remaining quantity:

Aggregated Agreed Quantity - Aggregated Called Quantity - Aggregated Invoiced Quantity
Remaining Usage
The total number of remaining items (not called or invoiced) of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line, expressed as a percentage of the aggregated agreed contract quantity.
Aggregated Expected Quantity
The calculated quantity that you expect to have purchased at the end of the contract of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the purchase unit. This calculation is extrapolated from the ordered quantity that is registered during the part of the effective period that has passed.

The calculation for the aggregated expected quantity:

(Total Quantity ÷ Elapsed time in %) * 100%
Aggregated Expected Quantity
The calculated quantity that you expect to have purchased at the end of the contract of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the inventory unit. This calculation is extrapolated from the ordered quantity that is registered during the part of the effective period that has passed.

The calculation for the aggregated expected quantity:

(Total Quantity ÷ Elapsed time in %) * 100%
Expected Usage
The percentage of the items that you should have purchased, which is calculated using the aggregated agreed quantity and effective period.
Aggregated Advised Quantity
The sum of the advised quantities of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the purchase unit.

The advised quantity for a purchase contract line detail includes the scheduled quantity of the purchase schedule with the Created status that is linked to the contract line detail.

Aggregated Advised Quantity
The sum of the advised quantities of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the inventory unit.

The advised quantity for a purchase contract line detail includes the scheduled quantity of the purchase schedule with the Created status that is linked to the contract line detail.

Aggregated Called Quantity
The sum of the called quantities of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the purchase unit.
Aggregated Called Quantity
The sum of the called quantities of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the inventory unit.
Aggregated Called Amount
The sum of the called amounts of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line.
Aggregated Invoiced Quantity
The sum of the invoiced quantities of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the purchase unit.
Aggregated Invoiced Quantity
The sum of the invoiced quantities of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the inventory unit.
Aggregated Invoiced Amount
The sum of the invoiced amounts of all the purchase contract line details that are linked to the contract line.
Quantity Mismatch
If this check box is selected, the Aggregated Called Quantity is not equal to the total Called Quantity, or the Aggregated Invoiced Quantity is not equal to the total Invoiced Quantity.