Evaluate Purchase Contracts (tdpur3420m000)

Use this session to check if the agreed contract quantities are met at the end of the effective period of a contract.

During the effective period you can check whether the deliveries are on schedule.

Before you can evaluate a contract, the following must apply:

  • The contract status must be Active
  • Call orders must exist for the contract.

Evaluation of a contract line depends on the value of the Quantity Binding check box in the Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000) session. If this check box is selected, the current session prints the differences between the following:

  • The called quantity and the maximum quantity, as defined in the Maximum Quantity field of the Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000) session.
  • The called quantity and the minimum quantity, as defined in the Minimum Quantity field of the Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000) session.

If the Quantity Binding check box is cleared, and the boundaries entered in the Evaluate Purchase Contracts (tdpur3420m000) session are exceeded, the current session prints the lines that exceed the allowed deviations.

Extrapolating can produce a distorted picture because the delivery contracts are not taken into account. If, for instance, the largest quantities are delivered at the end of the contract period, an interim evaluation will show a backlog that does not correspond with reality.

Deviations are calculated as follows:

(Called Quantity - (Agreed Quantity * Elapsed Time Factor) ÷ Agreed Quantity) * 100% 
Agreed Quantity100
Called + Invoiced40
Contract Period10 days
Time Elapsed6 days


Negative deviation = (40 - (100 * 6/10)) ÷ 100 = -20%

If the negative deviation percentage is greater than the allowed percentage, the contract line is printed.


You can select a range of contracts or specific contracts to be evaluated. To evaluate specific contracts, click Specific Contracts. This action starts the Enter Specific Purchase Contract Numbers (tdpur3820s000) session in which you can select up to 10 contracts to be evaluated.

If you want to evaluate another selection of contracts, click Reset Selection. As a result, the selection you made in the Enter Specific Purchase Contract Numbers (tdpur3820s000) session is removed. To make a new selection, select Specific Contracts.

After a purchase contract is evaluated, the Evaluation field in the Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000) session is updated.

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Print What
You can select the contracts to be evaluated by contract type.

You have the following options:

Negative Deviation
The negative deviation is the percentage by which the called quantity may be less than the agreed contract quantity.

If the deviation is greater than the negative deviation, the contract line is printed.

The negative deviation is calculated as follows:

(Called Quantity + Booked Quantity - (Agreed Quantity * Elapsed Time Factor)) ÷  Agreed Quantity * 100%
Agreed Quantity100
Called + Invoiced Quantity40
Duration of Contract10 days
Elapsed Time6 days


Negative Deviation = (40 - 100 * (6/10)) ÷ 100 = -20%
Positive Deviation
The positive deviation is the percentage by which the called quantity may exceed the agreed contract quantity.

If the deviation is greater than the positive deviation, the contract line is printed.

The positive deviation is calculated as follows:

(Called Quantity + Booked Quantity - (Agreed Quantity * Elapsed Time Factor)) ÷  Agreed	Quantity * 100%
Agreed Quantity100
Called + Invoiced Quantity80
Duration of Contract10 days
Elapsed Time6 days


Positive Deviation = (80 - 100 * (6/10)) ÷ 100 = 20%
Minimum Time Required for Evaluation
To restrict the range of contracts, you can evaluate only those contracts for which part of the duration (to be indicated by the user) has elapsed.

For instance, if you enter 60% in this field, the contracts for which more than 60% of the duration has elapsed are printed.

Time elapsed = ((current date  - effective date) ÷ (expiry date - effective date)) * 100
Print Contract Lines
If this check box is selected, all purchase contract lines are printed.

If this check box is cleared, the purchase contract lines are totalized by contract.

Print Detail Lines
If this check box is selected, all purchase contract line details are printed.
Detailed Report
If this check box is selected, a detailed report is printed.