Delete Purchase Revisions (tdpur3222m200)

Use this session to delete purchase release revisions.

In this session, you can specify:

  • The planner for whom you want to delete the purchase release revisions.
  • The date until which you want to delete the purchase release revisions.
  • If you want to delete only the release revisions with the Sent status, or also the revisions with a status of Created or Scheduled that include (to be) terminated schedules.

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Release Planner
The planner who is responsible for the purchase release.

If you select a planner, only the purchase releases for which the planner is responsible are deleted.

Up to Issue date
The date until which you want to delete the purchase release revisions.

LN compares the specified date to the purchase release's issue date, as displayed in the Issue Date field of the Purchase Releases (tdpur3120m000) session. The release revisions with an issue date that falls before the specified date, are deleted.

Process Report
If this check box is selected, a process report is printed.
Error Report
If this check box is selected, and if errors occur during the deletion process, an error report is printed.
Include Unsent Releases for Terminated Schedules
If this check box is selected, in addition to deleting release revisions with the Sent status, LN also deletes revisions with a status of Created or Scheduled that include (to be) terminated schedules.

To delete Created or Scheduled releases, the following conditions must be applicable:

  • The linked schedules have the Termination in Process or Terminated status.
  • The schedules with the Termination in Process status do not include open schedule lines. Therefore, the status of the schedule lines is Canceled, Final Receipt, Invoiced, or Processed.