Purchase Schedule - Receipts (tdpur3115m200)

Use this session to:

  • View all (partial) receipts that are made for a particular purchase schedule (line) in Warehousing.
  • View, maintain, and confirm all (partial) receipts that are made for a particular purchase schedule line with an administrative cost or service item.

To have an overview of schedule receipts for multiple items, refer to the Purchase Schedules - Receipt Overview (tdpur3518m000) session.

Receipts in Warehousing

If a receipt is made in Warehousing, in the current session, LN searches for an existing record for a combination of Schedule, Receipt Number, Packing Slip, and Receipt Date. If found, the following fields are updated:

  • Packing Slip Quantity
  • Received Quantity
  • Rejected Quantity
  • Approved Quantity
  • ASN number, if ASNs are used in a company.

If the combination is not found, LN creates a new record in this session.

For push schedules, goods are received against a blanket warehouse order. During receipt, the oldest requirement on the purchase schedule is fulfilled first. As a result, one receipt can be made for several purchase schedule lines. For an example of receiving goods on a push schedule, refer to Purchase schedule cumulatives.

For pull call-off schedules, goods are received against a specific reference ID. This reference ID is displayed in the Reference ID field of the Purchase Schedule - Lines (tdpur3111m000) session. As a result, for every pull schedule line, a warehousing order line exists with a position number and a reference number, and only one receipt can be made for one purchase schedule line.

After a receipt is confirmed in Warehousing, you can perform a receipt correction on uninspected goods in the Receipt Correction (whinh3121s000) session. If you change the delivered quantity of an already confirmed receipt on a pull call-off schedule line, LN updates:

  • The Received Quantity field in the Purchase Schedule - Lines (tdpur3111m000) session.
  • The Received Quantity field in the Purchase Schedule - Receipts (tdpur3115m200) session.

If you change the delivered quantity of an already confirmed receipt on a push schedule, a distinction is made between increasing the delivered quantity and decreasing the delivered quantity ( Related topics Receipts on push schedule lines).

Receipts in Purchase Control

For cost or service items, you must enter and confirm the receipt of goods in the Purchase Schedule - Receipts (tdpur3115m200) session.

To enter and confirm a receipt, take the following steps:

  1. In the Purchase Schedule - Lines (tdpur3111m000) session, select the applicable purchase schedule line.
  2. On the appropriate menu in the Purchase Schedule - Lines (tdpur3111m000) session, click Receipts. The Purchase Schedule - Receipts (tdpur3115m200) session starts.
  3. In the Purchase Schedule - Receipts (tdpur3115m200) session, enter the purchase schedule line's receipt details and click Confirm Receipts on the appropriate menu of the current session to confirm the receipt.


The number of the purchase schedule.
Receipt Amount
The delivered quantity * the price.

If a receipt is confirmed of a configured item that deviates from the ordered configured item, in the Sequence Shipping data (tdpur3517m000) session, LN retrieves the price and discounts from the last Sent sequence shipping schedule line revision with a configured item that is equal to the received configured item. Otherwise, the price and discounts from the Purchase Schedule - Lines (tdpur3111m000) session are used to calculate the amount.

The purchase schedule's currency.

The purchase currency is retrieved from the Currency field in the Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000) session.

Receipt Number
The sequence number assigned to every individual receipt of goods.
Receipt Line
The number of the receipt line that is linked to the receipt number.
Packing Slip
The packing slip number.

LN retrieves the packing slip number and the packing slip information from the Warehouse Orders module.

Packing Slip Quantity
The shipped quantity as mentioned on the packing slip, expressed in the purchase unit.
Packing Slip Quantity
The shipped quantity as mentioned on the packing slip, expressed in the inventory unit.
Approved Quantity
The approved quantity expressed in the purchase unit.

If inspection of received goods is mandatory in a company, LN retrieves the approved quantity from the Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000) session. If received goods need not be inspected, this field is equal to the value of the Received Quantity field.


In the Inspection field of the Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000) session and/or in the Inspection field of the Item - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session, you can define for a company whether goods must be inspected upon receipt.

In case of a receipt correction on a push schedule, in the current field, a negative value can be displayed.

Approved Quantity
The approved quantity expressed in the inventory unit.
Rejected Quantity
The rejected quantity expressed in the purchase unit.

If inspection of received goods is mandatory in a company, LN retrieves the rejected quantity from the Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000) session. If received goods need not be inspected, this field is always set to zero.


In the Inspection field of the Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000) session and/or in the Inspection field of the Item - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session, you can define for a company whether goods must be inspected upon receipt.

Rejected Quantity
The rejected quantity expressed in the inventory unit.
The purchase schedule line's status.

If goods are received in the Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000) session, only the purchase schedule lines with one of the following statuses are displayed in the Purchase Schedule - Receipts (tdpur3115m200) session:

  • Partial Receipt
  • Final Receipt

For push schedules, these statuses represent the following:

Partial Receipt

  • Schedule Quantity > Delivered Quantity, or
  • Total Approved Quantity + Rejected Quantity < Delivered Quantity.

Final Receipt

  • Schedule Quantity = Delivered Quantity, and
  • Total Approved Quantity + Rejected Quantity = Delivered Quantity.

For pull call-off schedules, the status of the purchase schedule line/ purchase schedule receipt detail depends on the value of the Final Receipt check box on the Lines tab of the Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000) session:

  • If this check box is selected, the purchase schedule line/ purchase schedule receipt detail automatically receives the status Final Receipt.
  • If this check box is cleared, the purchase schedule line/ purchase schedule receipt detail automatically receives the status Partial Receipt.
If this check box is selected, the receipt is confirmed for a combination of receipt number, packing slip number, and receipt date.
  • If receipts are made in Warehousing, this check box is automatically selected. The reason for this is that Warehousing only sends confirmed receipts to Purchase Control.
  • You can only delete a confirmed receipt if the purchase schedule line has the status Processed.

If the purchase schedule line holds an administrative cost or service item, receipts on the schedule line must be maintained and confirmed in the Purchase Schedule - Receipts (tdpur3115m200) session. If you click Confirm Receipts on the appropriate menu of the Purchase Schedule - Receipts (tdpur3115m200) session, the schedule's cumulative quantities are updated, as well as the Purchase Schedule - Lines (tdpur3111m000) session. After confirmation of the receipt, you can no longer change the receipt.

If this check box is selected, a specification is linked to the purchase schedule receipt.
Option List ID
The identification of the options and features for a configured item. The ID is used in the item specification to match supply and demand.

Click Option List to view the received configured item 's options and features in the Option List (tcibd4522m000) session.

A number of items produced and stored together that are identified by a (lot) code. Lots identify goods.

Related topics

Serial Number
The unique identification of a single physical item. LN uses a mask to generate the serial number. The serial number can consist of multiple data segments that represent, for example, a date, model and color information, sequence number, and so on.

Serial numbers can be generated for items and for tools.

Final Receipt
If this check box is selected, the entered receipt is the final receipt for the purchase schedule line.

Subsequently, if you click Confirm Receipts on the appropriate menu of the current session, the schedule line's status changes to Final Receipt. You must only confirm the receipt of an administrative item (cost or service).

If this check box is cleared, the entered receipt is a partial receipt for the purchase schedule line.

Subsequently, if you click Confirm Receipts on the appropriate menu of the current session, the schedule line's status changes to Partial Receipt.


You must only confirm the receipt of an administrative item (cost or service).

Shipping Date
The date on which the items are shipped.

This date must be filled if the following applies:

  • The Self-Billing check box is selected for the purchase schedule.
  • The Payment is set to Pay on Receipt for the purchase schedule line.
  • The Self-Billing Date Type is set to Shipping Date in the Invoicing Terms and Conditions (tctrm1145m000) or Buy-from Business Partners (tccom4120s000) sessions.

Default value

If the shipping date is mandatory, the default value is the receipt date. Otherwise, this field is empty.

Receipt Date
The date on which the items are actually received in the destination warehouse.
The code of the shipment created by Warehousing during the advance shipment notice (ASN) process.
Suppliers ASN Number
The buy-from business partner's ASN number.
Manufacturer Part Number
The manufacturer part number (MPN) for the scheduled item.

The MPN must belong to the MPN set that is linked to the purchase schedule line.

Item Revision

Related topics

Peg Distribution
If this check box is selected, a peg distribution is linked to this Purchase Schedule Receipt.
Schedule Type
The type of the purchase schedule.

Receipts can only be made for push schedules and pull call-off schedules.

Schedule Position
The number of the schedule line. This number uniquely identifies each requirement of an item that a specified business partner must supply at a specific date and time.
In LN, the raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, sold, and so on.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not held in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The following are examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)
The number that identifies a (partial) receipt of a purchase schedule line.
Receipt Log Date
The date on which the receipt is registered in LN, which is the date and time a user confirms the receipt. This date can differ from the receipt date, because the receipt date reflects the physical receipt of the goods.

This date is used by Manufacturing to calculate a cost price in the past and relates to the valuation method lower cost or market value (LCMV).

Received Quantity
The delivered quantity expressed in the purchase unit.
  • The delivered quantity cannot be greater than the ordered quantity on the purchase schedule line.
  • In case of a receipt correction on a push schedule, in the current field, a negative value can be displayed.
Received Quantity
The unit in which you purchase an item, also referred to as the purchase quantity unit.
Received Quantity
The delivered quantity expressed in the inventory unit.
Received Quantity
The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

Accepted Rejected Goods
If this check box is selected, the goods for this receipt were received from the reject location.
Reason for Rejection
The reason why received goods did not pass the inspection.


Landed Cost Lines
Starts the Landed Cost Lines (tclct2100m000) session, in which you can view the landed costs for the receipt.
Peg Distribution
Confirm Receipts
Confirms the receipt of an administrative item (cost or service).
Landed Costs by Receipt
Starts the Landed Cost Lines by Receipt (tclct2100m100) session, in which you can view and maintain the landed costs for the receipt.
Rejected Inventory
Starts the Rejected Inventory (whwmd2570m000) session in which you can view the rejected inventory for the purchase schedule.
Starts the Specification (tcibd4120m000) session. You can only use this command if the Specification check box is selected.
Shipment Notice
Option List
Starts the Option List (tcibd4522m000) session.
Lot and Serial Set...