RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000)

Use this session to view, enter, and maintain RFQ responses.

A response line is inserted in this session when an RFQ line is linked to a bidder. You cannot change the data for a response line with the Created status. The response line must have the Sent status to change it.


When the status of the response line is No Bid, No Response, Accepted, or Rejected you can only specify the Conversion Action and Conversion Type fields. All other fields are unavailable.

When the status of the response line is Negotiating, the Expiry Date field, price, discount, and receipt date related fields are derived from the RFQ Negotiations (tdpur1606m000) session and are unavailable in the current session.

You can link a price book and/or a discount schedule to a response line. If you copy a response line to a purchase contract, you must copy the price book and discount schedule to a new price book and discount schedule.

When you receive a bidder's response, you can specify subjective scores for the response line in the RFQ Response - Subjective Criterion Scores (tdpur1195m000) session. These criteria are used when you compare response lines in the RFQ Response Ranking based on Criteria Set (tdpur1806m000) session.


If a bidder's prices and discounts are already available, you need not send the RFQ to that bidder. You can, however, compare the existing prices and discounts with the submitted response. To compare existing prices with the prices your bidder returned to you, answer the question Retrieve default prices and discounts? with Yes.

After comparing, you can still overwrite the default prices with the returned prices from the bidder.


The business partner from whom you order goods or services; this usually represents a supplier's sales department. The definition includes the default price and discount agreements, purchase-order defaults, delivery terms, and the related ship-from and invoice-from business partner.
The status of the RFQ response line.

Allowed values

RFQ Status

The number of the request for quotation (RFQ) on which response data is/must be returned by the bidder.
The number of the request for quotation (RFQ) line on which response data is/must be returned by the bidder.
The request for quotation (RFQ) line's sequence number, which is greater than one if it includes an item that can be an alternative for the preferred item.

You must manually specify alternatives in the Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000) session.


The sequence numbers defined in the current field, represent the RFQ lines in the most suitable alternative sequence. So, sequence number one represents the first preferable item that can be an alternative for the originally preferred item, sequence number two represents the second item that can be an alternative, and so on.

Item Code System
The item code system's code. The item code system is used to search for an item in an alternative way, for instance by the bidder's item code.
In LN, the raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, sold, and so on.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not held in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The following are examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)

If the warehouse is WMS controlled:

  • And the Inbound BOM/List Items check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Integration Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, you cannot enter a list item of the type kit in this field.
  • And the Serials in Inventory check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Integration Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, you cannot enter a serialized item for which the Serials in Inventory check box is selected in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session.
  • And the Serials Not in Inventory check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Integration Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, you cannot enter a serialized item for which the Serials in Inventory check box is cleared in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session.
  • And the Lots Not in Inventory check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Integration Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, you cannot enter a lot controlled item for which the Lots in Inventory check box is cleared in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session.
Standard Description
If this check box is selected, LN prints both the standard item description and the specific request for quotation (RFQ) line text.

If this check box is cleared, LN prints only the specific request for quotation (RFQ) line text.

Preferred MPN
The preferred manufacturer part number (MPN) for the item and bidder.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Preferred Manufacturer Part Number field of the Purchase Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000) session. However, if the preferred MPN from the RFQ line is not allowed for a bidder, LN retrieves the preferred MPN for the bidder from the MPNs by Item - Business Partner (tdipu0148m000) session.

Effectivity Unit
A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item.

If the warehouse is WMS controlled, and the Effectivity Units check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Integration Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, you cannot enter an effectivity unit in this field.

Supply Quantity
The quantity that must be delivered according to the terms on the order line. The quantity is expressed in the purchase unit or the sales unit of the item.
The unit in which the item's quantity is expressed.

Default value

The default value is the purchase price unit recorded in the Item - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session.

You can purchase items in a different unit than the one in which their inventory is registered. Goods can, for example, be stored in grams and purchased in kilograms.


You must first define all units in the Units (tcmcs0101m000) session. In this session, you can define the conversion factor for conversion of the unit to the basic unit. If you want to use a purchase unit that is not the same as the basic unit, you must first define this unit in the Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000) session. In the Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000) session, the conversion factor from the alternative unit to the inventory unit is also recorded. You cannot use this method for cost items or service items. For such items, all units can be used, as they are not kept in stock.

The price per item unit that is offered by the bidder. The price is expressed in the bidder's currency.

Price change

The price is updated automatically when the Item and Supply Quantity fields are changed.

The currency unit in which the item's price is expressed.

Default value

The default value is the purchase price unit recorded in the Item - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session.

You can purchase items in a unit other than the one in which their inventory is registered. Therefore, the price can be stated in different units. Goods can, for example, be stored in grams and purchased in kilograms, but priced in boxes.


You must first define the currency units in the Units (tcmcs0101m000) session. In this session, you can define the conversion factor for conversion of the unit to the basic unit. If you want to use a purchase price unit that is not the same as the basic unit, this unit must first be defined in the Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000) session. In the Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000) session, the conversion factor from the alternative (purchase price) unit to the inventory unit is also recorded. You cannot use this method for cost items or service items. For such items, all units can be used, as they are not kept in stock.

Purchase Price Unit
The item unit in which an item's purchase price is expressed. This unit can differ from the item's inventory unit.
Total Amount
The net order line amount for the response line, expressed in the purchase currency.

LN calculates this amount as follows:

(Quantity * Price) - (Quantity * Price * (Discount/100))
The item's picture, which is defaulted from the Picture field in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session.
Export License Required
If this check box is selected, an export license is required for the item.

This check box is only visible if the Export Licenses check box is selected in the Project Pegging Parameters (tcpeg0100m000) session.

If this check box is selected, the request for quotation (RFQ) line must be sent to the bidder.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Send RFQ check box in the Request for Quotation - Buy-from BP's (tdpur1505m000) session.

The Send check box is cleared by default, if:

  • An active contract exists for the item/bidder partner combination.
  • The item/bidder combination is not defined in the Item - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session and the Send RFQ to Not approved Buy-from BP check box is cleared in the Request for Quotation Parameters (tdpur0100m100) session.

If this check box is cleared, you cannot print the RFQ in the Print Request for Quotations (tdpur1401m000) session.

Peg Distribution
If this check box is selected, a peg distribution is linked to this RFQ Quotation.
RFQ Line Text
If this check box is selected, a text is linked to the RFQ line.
LN ranks the response lines according to the value of the Total Scoring Value field in the Quotation - Buy-from BP Ranking Based on Criteria Set (tdpur1806m000) session. The bidder/response line combination with the highest scoring value is the first in the list.
Response Text
If this check box is selected, a text is linked to the response line.
Expiry Date
The response line's expiry date.
Invoice by Stage Payments
If this check box is selected, the item must be invoiced by stage payments.

On the appropriate menu, you can start the Supplier Stage Payments (tdpur5120m000) session in which you can view, enter, and maintain the stage payments.

This field is disabled if the following are applicable:

  • The response line status is No Response, No Bid, Accepted, or Rejected
  • Stage payment lines are linked to the RFQ response

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session or the Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session.

Conversion Action
Specify the action to be taken on the response line.

You can specify this field only if the Status field is No Bid, No Response, Accepted, or Rejected.

Allowed values


Conversion Type
Specify the conversion type for the response line.

To specify this field, the Conversion Action must be Convert for the response line.

You can convert the response line in the Convert RFQs (tdpur1202m000) session.

Allowed values

Conversion Type

Price Book
An entity in which you can store price information that is valid for a given period of time.

A price book includes the following elements:

  • A price book header, which contains the code, type, and use of the price book.
  • One or more price book lines, which contain the items.

A quantity or value break discount schedule can be linked to a price book.

Price Origin
The origin of the price.

Allowed values

Price Origin

Matrix Definition
Defines the group of elements (matrix attributes) that a Pricing matrix uses to determine a price, discount, promotion, or freight rate.

Imagine you are a furniture vendor and you decide to maintain your sales prices based on two elements:

  • The specific item you sell.
  • The way to handle payments.

In this case, the matrix type is Sales Price, the matrix definition is Furni (this name is user-definable), and the matrix attributes are Item and Payment Method.


This field can only be filled if you answered the Retrieve default prices and discounts? question with Yes and LN found an existing price for the bidder in the price matrix that is displayed in this field.

After retrieving existing prices, you can still overwrite the default prices with the returned prices from the bidder.

Multi Level Discount
If this check box is selected, a multi level discount is applied to the line.
Discount Percentage
The percentage that you can subtract from the gross sales price or purchase price.

You can link a maximum of five discount percentages that are offered by the bidder to this line. You can manually enter the first discount percentage. To enter subsequent discount percentages, you must zoom to the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session.

  • If a discount list is linked to the response line, the Discount Percentage field is disabled.
  • When you enter a value in the Item field or the Expiry Date field, LN automatically enters a percentage discount in the current field.
Discount Amount
The discount given to a business partner, calculated by unit and expressed as a value. For instance, 3 euro.

You can only enter a discount amount in this field if the Discount Percentage field is empty.

Discount Schedule
The discount schedule that is linked to the response line.

If you enter a discount schedule in this field, you cannot enter a discount amount in the Discount Amount field.

Discount Code
A way to indicate why a discount was granted. For example, you can grant a discount because the customer orders large quantities. If you grant a discount or if you add a surcharge to a sales invoice, you can enter a discount code to indicate the reason.

Surcharges and discounts can be the result of the following:

  • Standard discounts
  • Surcharges
  • Payable commissions
  • Payable rebates
Discount Matrix Definition
The matrix definition of the discount matrix, if the Discount Origin is Discount Structure.
Total Discount Percentage
The total discount amount expressed as a percentage of the (gross) response amount.

This percentage is calculated as follows:

 Total Discount Amount / (supply quantity * price) * 100%
Total Discount Amount
The discount amount resulting from the order line discount. This amount is calculated as follows:
Order Line Discount Amount = Quantity * Price * Order Line Discount/100

The calculation result is rounded. The order line discount amount is always expressed in the order/quotation currency.


The line discount used in this formula, is the total of the level of discounts entered in the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session.

If this check box is selected, the response line is taken into account when the total response value is calculated to apply total discounts to RFQ responses.

Related topics

If this check box is selected, LN applies the calculated discount percentage to the response line.

Related topics

Ship-from BP
The ship-from business partner who must deliver the items.

Default value

LN retrieves the default ship-from business partner from the Buy-from Business Partners (tccom4120s000) session. The default ship-from business partner is the ship-from business partner that is linked to the bidder in the Buy-from BP field.

The ship-from business partner that you enter in this field must be related to the bidder in the Buy-from BP field.


Dependent on the ship-from business partner that is entered in this field, the following fields in the current session are filled by default:

  • Ship-from Address
  • Ship-from Contact
Ship-from Address
The address of the ship-from business partner.

Default value

LN retrieves the default ship-from address from the Ship-from Business Partners (tccom4121s000) session.


You can only enter a ship-from address if a ship-from business partner is entered in the Ship-from BP field.

Ship-from Contact
The ship-from contact.

Default value

LN retrieves the default ship-from contact from the Ship-from Business Partners (tccom4121s000) session.

Full Name
The contact's full name.
Terms of Delivery
The agreements with the business partner, concerning the way the goods are delivered. Relevant information is printed on various order documents.

Related topics

Point of Title Passage
The point at which the legal ownership changes. At this point, the risk passes from the seller to the buyer.

Related topics

Generate Freight Orders
If this check box is selected, freight orders can be generated from a purchase order line.

You cannot directly generate freight orders from responses. As a result, in the Buy-from BP - Quotations (tdpur1506m000) session, you define all freight related data to provide the necessary information when the response is converted to a purchase order in the Convert Quotations to Contracts/Orders/Price Books (tdpur1202m000) session.

The company responsible for the transportation of goods to the ship-to business partner.
Carrier Binding
An option in Freight that prevents the load building engine from overwriting the carrier selected by the user for a given freight order line.

Select this check box to ensure that the same carrier is used in the freight order as in the purchase order.

Service Level
An entity that expresses the duration of transportation, such as: delivery within twelve hours. A freight service level (optional) is used as follows:
  • As a factor that determines the transportation costs of a load.
  • As a factor that determines the freight rate of a freight order.

Enter a service level to ensure that the same service level is used in the freight order as in the purchase order.

The warehouse where the items must be delivered.

Default value

LN retrieves the default warehouse from:

  • The Purchase Requests for Quotations (tdpur1501m000) session.
  • If no delivery warehouse (address) is defined in the Purchase Requests for Quotation (tdpur1501m000) session, LN retrieves the delivery address from the User Profiles (tdpur0143m000) session.
  • If no delivery warehouse (address) is defined in the User Profiles (tdpur0143m000) session, LN retrieves the delivery address from the Item - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session.
  • If no delivery warehouse (address) is defined in the Item - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session, LN retrieves the delivery address from the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session.
Receipt Address
The address where the goods are received.

If the warehouse has dock (receipt) locations, which you can define in the Warehouse - Dock Locations (whwmd2120m000) session, LN checks whether an address is defined for the relevant receipt location. If yes, this receipt address is displayed by default. Otherwise, the warehouse address is displayed.

Planned Receipt Date
The date on which the items are scheduled to be delivered.

The receipt date is copied to the purchase order, purchase contract, or price book when you copy the RFQ response line in the Convert Quotations to Contracts/Orders/Price Books (tdpur1202m000) session.

This date cannot be before the request for quotation date.

Delivery Period
The start date of the period that the items for which you sent the request for quotation, are scheduled to be delivered.

Default value

LN retrieves the default start date from the Purchase Requests for Quotation (tdpur1501m000) session.


The start date is copied to the purchase order, purchase contract, or price book when you copy the RFQ response line in the Convert Quotations to Contracts/Orders/Price Books (tdpur1202m000) session. .

You cannot define a receipt period if a receipt date is defined.

Delivery Period
The end date of the period that the items for which you sent the request for quotation, are scheduled to be delivered.

Default value

LN retrieves the default end date from the Purchase Requests for Quotation (tdpur1501m000) session.


The end date is copied to the purchase order, purchase contract, or price book when you copy the RFQ response line in the Convert Quotations to Contracts/Orders/Price Books (tdpur1202m000) session.

You cannot define a receipt period if a receipt date is defined.

Lead Time
If the request for quotation (RFQ) is manually specified, you can define a lead time that is used on the purchase order to determine the delivery date.
Delivery date = order date + lead time.
Lead Time
The unit in which the lead time is expressed.
Tax Classification
An attribute of order headers and order lines that you can use to define tax exceptions for the transaction. LN retrieves the default tax classification from the invoice-from and invoice-to business partners.

For example, you can use the tax classification to indicate:

  • That payments to an invoice-from business partner are subject to withholding tax and social contributions
  • To group business partners that have the same tax aspects for your company, for example, subcontractors, or agents
  • That the tax must be paid in a country other than the sales office or service office's home country
If this check box is selected, tax exemption applies.

If the Tax Exempt Level parameter in the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session is set to:

  • Limited and you select this check box manually, the Tax Code is defaulted from the Exempt Purchase field of the Tax Handling (tctax0138m000) session. If you clear this check box manually, the tax code is not changed.
  • Extended and you select this check box manually, the Tax Code is not changed. If you clear this check box manually, the Exempt Reason and Exempt Certificate fields are cleared and disabled.
Tax Country
The country used for tax purposes.
Own Tax Number
A number used to identify legal persons or businesses. The tax authorities assign the tax numbers to the registered businesses. Your business partners must provide you with their tax number. Business partners without a tax number are considered to be private persons.
Tax Code
The tax code that applies to the items on the RFQ response.

You can use a group tax code for cost en service items. The group tax code must meet the conditions of the business partner tax classification. In addition, the withholding functionality must be applicable for the financial company of the purchase order's purchase office.

BP Tax Country
The country in which the bidder has the tax ID.
BP Tax Number
The bidder's tax ID.

The bidder's tax ID is date effective. To determine and display the correct tax ID for the bidder, LN first uses the planned receipt date, next the end of the delivery period, and then the current date.

Exempt Certificate
  • LN prints the exempt reasons on the invoices.
  • This field only applies if the Tax Exempt Level parameter is Extended in the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session.
  • This field is defaulted from the method that is used to retrieve tax details, as defined in the Search Sequence Tax Libraries group box of the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session.
Exempt Reason
The reason why your own company is exempt from sales tax.
  • This field only applies if the Tax Exempt Level parameter is Extended in the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session.
  • This field is defaulted from the method that is used to retrieve tax details, as defined in the Search Sequence Tax Libraries group box of the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session.
  • The reason code must be of the Tax Exemption type and must be date effective, as valuated by the Return Date.


Linked RFQ Response Data
Peg Distribution
Starts the Purchase Peg Distribution (tdpur5100m000) session in which you can view, enter, and maintain the peg distribution details.
Supplier Stage Payments
Starts the Supplier Stage Payments (tdpur5120m000) session in which you can view, enter, and maintain the supplier stage payments.
Project Contract Information
If the project has a linked contract, use this command to view the contract information in the Contract (tpctm1600m000) session.
Price Inquiry
Starts the Price Inquiry (tdpcg0250m000) session.
RFQ Negotiations
Sets the status of the response line to Responded.
No Response
Sets the status of the response line to No Response.
No Bid
Sets the status of the response line to No Bid.
Sets the status of the response line to Accepted.
Sets the status of the response line to Rejected.
Reopen Response
Sets the status of a response line with the No Response, No Bid, Accepted, or Rejected status to Responded or Negotiating, which means the response line can be updated again.
Recalculate Price/Discounts RFQ Line
Recalculate Price/Discounts Entire RFQ
Subjective Criteria
Starts the RFQ Response - Subjective Criterion Scores (tdpur1195m000) session in which you can specify certain gradings for the response line, which are taken into account when you compare response lines in the RFQ Response Ranking based on Criteria Set (tdpur1806m000) session.
Starts the Convert RFQs (tdpur1202m000) session.
Process Non-Converted RFQ Responses
Order Pegging
Manufacturer Part Numbers
All Responses
Displays all response lines.
Open Responses
Only displays the open response lines, which means the line status is not Processed.