Convert RFQs (tdpur1202m000)

Use this session to copy response lines to purchase orders, purchase contracts, or a supplier price book.

For response lines for which the Conversion Action is Convert, use this session to convert these lines to the Conversion Type as specified in the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000), RFQ Response Ranking based on Total Amount (tdpur1805m000), or RFQ Response Ranking based on Criteria Set (tdpur1806m000) sessions.

Response lines can be converted to the following:

  • Purchase Order
  • Purchase Contract
  • Price Book
  • Purchase Order and Purchase Contract
  • Purchase Order and Price Book

You can select a range of RFQ lines or select specific RFQ lines to be copied to a purchase order, a purchase contract, and a supplier price book. To copy specific RFQ lines, click the Specify RFQs button. The Enter Specific RFQ Numbers (tdpur1820s000) session is started in which you can select up to 10 RFQ lines to be copied.

If you want to copy another selection of RFQ lines, click the Reset RFQ Selection button. The selection you made in the Enter Specific RFQ Numbers (tdpur1820s000) session will be removed. To make a new selection, click the Specify RFQs button.

You can select a range of business partners or select specific business partners to copy the RFQ lines to. To copy RFQ lines to specific business partners, click the Specify RFQ BPs button. The Enter Specific Business Partners (tdpur1821s000) session is started in which you can select up to 10 business partners to copy the RFQ lines to.

If you want to copy RFQ lines to another selection of business partners, click the Reset Bidder Selection button. As a result, the selection you made in the Enter Specific Business Partners (tdpur1821s000) session will be removed. To make a new selection, click the Specify RFQ BPs button.


Quantities Printed In
Select the unit in which you want to copy/print the quantities.
Print Header Text
If this check box is selected, the RFQ header texts are copied to the purchase contract, purchase order, or supplier price book.
Print Line Text
If this check box is selected, the RFQ line texts are copied to the purchase contract, purchase order, or supplier price book.
Copy to Order
If this check box is selected, the response lines are copied to purchase orders.
Order Series
The purchase order series to which the response lines are copied.

You can only specify this field if the Copy to Order check box is selected.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Purchase User Profiles (tdpur0143m000) session.

Order Type
The order type determines which sessions are part of the order procedure and how and in which sequence this procedure is executed.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Purchase User Profiles (tdpur0143m000) session.

Order Series for Subcontracting
The order series for subcontracting purchase orders.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Order Series for Subcontracting field in the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session.

Order Type for Subcontracting
The purchase order type for subcontracting purchase orders.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Order Type for Subcontracting field in the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session.

Split Quantity Among Bidders
If this check box is selected, the quantity is divided among the selected bidders. The division is in accordance with the priorities and the sourcing percentages that are specified for the bidder/item combination.
Copy to Contract
If this check box is selected, the response lines are copied to purchase contracts.
Contract Series
In this field, you can specify to which purchase contract series the response lines must be copied.

You can only specify this field if the Copy to Contract check box is selected.

Contract Type
The type of the contract to which you want to copy the response lines.
Effective Date
The first day on which a record or a setting is valid. The effective date often includes the effective time.
Template for Terms and Conditions
In this field, you can select a terms and conditions template.

If you select a template, a new terms and conditions agreement is generated from the template based on the Terms and Conditions Series, which is linked to the contract.

Terms and Conditions Series
The series for the terms and conditions agreement that is generated from the terms and conditions template in the Template for Terms and Conditions field.
Terms and Conditions ID
In this field, you can select a terms and conditions agreement.

If you select a terms and conditions agreement, the agreement is linked directly to the contract.

Convert Price Book to Price Revisions
This check box defines how price books without quantity breaks, which means only one record is available in the price book for the same item and currency, are converted.

If this check box is selected, LN creates multiple records in the Purchase Contract Price Revisions (tdpur3103m000) session with a different Effective Date and creates no entries in the Price Books (tdpcg0131m000) session.

If this check box is cleared, LN:

  • Enters one record in the Purchase Contract Price Revisions (tdpur3103m000) session and one record in the Price Books (tdpcg0131m000) session.
  • Clears the Used for RFQ's check box and selects the Used for Contracts check box for the price book.

If multiple quantity breaks are defined in a price book, which means that multiple lines are available in the same price book for the same item and currency, selecting or clearing the Convert Pricebook to Price Revisions check box gives the same results.


  • Enters one record in the Purchase Contract Prices (tdpur3103m000) session and multiple records in the Price Books (tdpcg0131m000) session.
  • Clears the Used for RFQ's check box and selects the Used for Contracts check box for the price book.

You can only select this check box if:

  • The Copy to Contract check box is selected in this session.
  • The Purchase Schedule in Use check box is cleared for the item in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session.
Copy to Price Book
If this check box is selected, the response lines are copied to the supplier price book.
Price Book
The supplier price book code, which is retrieved from the Supplier Price Book field of the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session.

This field is only filled if the Copy to Price Book check box is selected.

Price Book Break Type
The break type for the price book entry in the Price Books (tdpcg0131m000) session.

Allowed values

Break Type

Discount Schedule
The discount schedule code, which is linked directly to the supplier price book entry.
Discount Schedule Break Type
The break type for the discount schedule entry in the Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000) session.

Allowed values

Break Type

Effective Date
The first day on which a record or a setting is valid. The effective date often includes the effective time.
Assign High Priority to Price Book
If this check box is selected, the supplier price book entry has priority over the prices stored under the regular matrix sequence structure.

By selecting this check box, you can avoid the concept of setting up matrix definitions, linking them to price books, giving them a search priority and so on. This check box enables you to quickly retrieve and maintain prices for a buy-from business partner/ship-from business partner/item combination.