Catalogs (tdpct0510m000)

Use this session to view catalogs.

On the appropriate menu, you can click Tree Structure to display the structure of the selected catalog. Either the Catalog Structure (tdpct0510m100) or Catalogs with Item Data (tdpct0601m000) session is started. In the tree structure of these sessions, you can click the icons to view the contents of each catalog. If you browse a catalog that has subcategories, you can choose Read All and Open All on the File menu to display all levels of the tree structure.

From the tree structure, you can perform the following actions on the appropriate menu:


The highest level of a category structure. A catalog contains one or more categories, which contain items or subcategories. A catalog cannot be a member of another category.
Search Key
The search key for the catalog.
Category Type
Identifies whether the catalog is a sales catalog or a purchase catalog.
Identifies whether the catalog is accessible by anyone ( General) or is restricted to a pre-defined class of sold-to business partners ( Specific).

If the catalog is of the Specific type, sold-to business partners are linked to the catalog in the Catalog - Business Partners (tdpct0103m000) session.

If this check box is selected, a text is present.


Tree Structure
Displays the category structure in a tree structure. If you view a category structure that has subcategories, you can choose Read All and Open All from the File menu to display all levels of the tree structure.