Item Information (tdpct0212s000)

Use this session to view item-related information while browsing through a catalog.

You can start this session as follows:

  • From the Catalog Structure (tdpct0510m100) or Catalogs with Item Data (tdpct0601m000) session by selecting an item and choosing Item Information... on the appropriate menu.
  • From the Product Catalog Details (tdpct0504m000) session by double-clicking a record with the Category Indicator check box cleared.

You can only enter an Order Quantity and click Order Item if you initiated this session from a:

  • Sales order
  • Sales quotation
  • Sales order template
  • Purchase requisition


The item's picture, which is defaulted from the Picture field in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session.
Order Quantity
The item's order quantity.
Order Unit
Purchase Price
The price you pay for an item, expressed in the purchase currency.
Purchase Price Unit
The item unit in which an item's purchase price is expressed. This unit can differ from the item's inventory unit.
Purchase Currency
The monetary unit in which the purchase price is expressed.
Item Type
A classification of items used to identify if the item is, for example, a purchased item, a manufactured item, or an equipment item. Depending on the item's type, certain functions will only apply to that item.
Item Group
Group of items with similar characteristics. Each item belongs to a particular item group. The item group is used in combination with the item type to set up item defaults.
Buy-from Business Partner
The business partner from whom you order goods or services; this usually represents a supplier's sales department. The definition includes the default price and discount agreements, purchase-order defaults, delivery terms, and the related ship-from and invoice-from business partner.
The item's manufacturer.
Product Class
User-definable item grouping data that is used to distinguish between different groups of items in a product line. The product class is mainly used as a selection criterion for reporting.
Product Line
A group of products made by the same producer, that are similar but differ in details such as, size, shape, color, and so on. User-definable item grouping data, mainly used as an item selection criterion for reporting.
Product Type
User-definable item grouping data that is used as a sorting and selecting criterion. The product type is intended for classifying items with similar characteristics for production purposes.


Order Item
After entering an order quantity, you can click Order Item to order the item from the catalog.
Starts the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session.