Landed costs – advance shipment notices

This topic explains how landed costs are used in combination with advance shipment notices.


ASNs are created in the Shipment Notice (whinh3600m000) session. The ASN-header can contain only landed cost lines for which the Calculation Method field is Fixed Amount and the Fixed Amount Level is Shipment Notice or Receipt Header.

When an ASN-header is created, the fixed amount is copied from the first purchase order that is linked to the ASN. If the ASN is created for a purchase schedule, ASN-header landed costs are retrieved from the landed costs master data when the first ASN-line is linked to a purchase push schedule or to a purchase pull schedule line. The landed costs can be a fixed amount per shipment notice header or a fixed amount per receipt header and must belong to a landed costs set for which the Used for field is Schedule or Schedule and Order Line.

The landed costs are stored in the Landed Cost Lines (tclct2100m000) session, which is linked to the ASN-header in the Shipment Notice (whinh3600m000) session.


When ASN-lines are created, the header landed costs are divided over the lines. Because the ASN-header can contain only landed cost lines for which the Calculation Method field is Fixed Amount and the Fixed Amount Level is Shipment Notice or Receipt Header, the header landed costs are always apportioned to the ASN-lines and cannot be synchronized with the lines. For more information, refer to Landed costs – fixed amounts.

After apportioning, the landed costs are stored in the Landed Cost Lines (tclct2100m000) session, which is linked to the ASN-line in the Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000) session.

In addition to the apportioned header-based fixed amounts, these landed costs are also linked to an ASN-line:

  • If the ASN-line is linked to a purchase order line, all landed cost lines that are linked to the purchase order line. The Landed Cost Line Origin is Order Line for these landed cost lines.
  • If the ASN-line is linked to a purchase pull schedule line, all landed cost lines that are linked to the purchase pull schedule line. The Landed Cost Line Origin is Schedule Line for these landed cost lines.
  • If the ASN-line is linked to a purchase push schedule, applicable landed costs are copied from the master data. The Landed Cost Line Origin is Master Data for these landed cost lines.

In theory, multiple purchase orders or schedules can have multiple fixed amounts by shipment notice. These purchase orders/schedules can be linked to the same ASN. However, only one purchase order/schedule (line) can determine the fixed amount by Shipment Notice or Receipt Header to be created. Therefore, the first purchase order/schedule (line) that is linked to an ASN determines the fixed amount. Other orders/schedules are ignored.

Apportioning ASN-header landed costs to ASN-lines

Apportioning of fixed header landed costs to the lines takes place only when:

  • A manually entered ASN is (re)scheduled.
  • ASNs are generated from EDI after creation of an ASN (revision).

In the apportioning process, the ASN-lines for non-warehouse orders, such as direct deliveries, project receipts, cost item receipts are also taken into account. However, unexpected ASN-lines, which have no linked inbound order line, are skipped in the apportioning process because these lines cannot have landed costs.

Receiving ASNs by means of EDI

When a revised ASN message is received, the previous ASN obtains the Replaced status and a new ASN is created with the Scheduled status. When a canceled ASN message is received, the ASN status becomes Canceled.

For a revised ASN, landed cost lines are handled as follows:

  • ASN-header landed cost lines
    Except if the preceding ASN is canceled, the landed cost lines of the preceding ASN-header are copied to the new ASN-revision. In this way, the manually changed or added landed costs are kept.
  • ASN-line landed cost lines
    The landed cost lines of the preceding ASN-line are copied to the new ASN-revision. The quantity-based landed cost lines are updated based on the newly received quantities in the EDI message.
  • If the preceding ASN is canceled and a new ASN is created with the Scheduled status, the landed cost lines are copied from the related origin and not from the previous canceled ASN.
  • If the new ASN-revision contains new ASN-lines that were not included in the previous ASN, the landed costs for these new ASN-lines are copied from the related origin.
  • If the new ASN-revision lacks ASN-lines that were included in the previous ASN, the missing ASN-lines are not re-created and the linked landed cost lines are lost.
  • After the ASN- header and ASN-lines are created from the EDI message, header landed costs are (re)apportioned to the lines.
Maintaining landed cost lines for ASNs

You can use the Landed Cost Lines by Shipment Notice (tclct2100m200) session to manually change, add, cancel, or delete landed cost lines.

Landed cost lines can be maintained only if the following are applicable to the ASN-level:

  • ASN header
    No receipt is linked to any of the ASN-lines.
  • ASN line
    No receipt is linked to the ASN-line.

If you change or cancel landed cost lines in the Landed Cost Lines by Shipment Notice (tclct2100m200) session and on the appropriate menu you click Apply to all, the changes made to the line are also processed to all other lines of the ASN with the same combination of Landed Costs Code, Type, and Buy-from Business Partner. If you add a new landed cost line, you can automatically add this landed cost line to all other ASN-lines for which the landed cost line is not linked yet and, therefore, for which the combination of Landed Costs Code, Type, and Buy-from Business Partner does not exist.


Line landed costs with fixed amount level Shipment Notice or Receipt Header can be changed only on ASN-header level.