Additional costs – setup

Additional costs setup - procedure

To use and set up additional costs, the following master data must be specified:

Step 2. Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4510m000)

On the Pricing tab of the details session, specify these fields:

Step 3. Sales Additional Cost Set (tdsls0624m000)
Step 4. Price Books (tdpcg0131m000)

For the cost items that are specified in the additional cost set, a price must be set up in a price book. Use the Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000) session to define charges for additional cost items.

Complete the following steps in the Price Books (tdpcg0131m000) session:

  1. Select the price book that is defined in the Default Sales Price Book field of the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session.
  2. Select the required cost item.
  3. Define the price breaks.

Once an additional cost set is retrieved from the Sales Additional Cost Set Scenarios (tdsls0527m000) session for a sales order or shipment (line), the fields in the Determining group box of the Sales Additional Cost Set Lines (tdsls0528m000) session determine whether the cost line is applicable for the sales order or shipment (line) and, therefore, a price must be retrieved from the price book for the item.

If yes, based on the fields in the Costs group box of the Sales Additional Cost Set Lines (tdsls0528m000) session, a quantity is calculated that is used to retrieve the correct price from the price book.