CRM – functionality

You can use CRM to do the following:


Opportunities are used by sales persons to record and monitor sales information related to a business partner for the purpose of selling a product or service to this business partner.

You can create opportunities in the Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000) session.

You can use this session to do the following:

Generating a sales quotation from an opportunity

Because a sales quotation can be generated from an opportunity, an opportunity can be the basis for product offerings to a business partner. If items are added to an opportunity, quotation lines can be generated for the items when generating a sales quotation from an opportunity.


In the Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000) session, you can:

The following apply to the generation process:

  • Only items whose Select check box is selected on the Items tab of the Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000) session, are inserted as quotation lines on the sales quotation.
  • When the sales quotation is generated, the opportunity number is filled as a reference number in the Opportunity field of the Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000) session.
  • When the sales quotation is generated, the sales quotation number is filled as a reference number on the Reference tab of the Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000) session, which refers to the References by Opportunity (tdsmi1115m000) session.
  • The number series that is used for generating sales quotations, is defaulted as follows:.
    1. Sales Offices (tdsls0512m000)
    2. Sales User Profiles (tdsls0139m000)
    3. Sales Order Types (tdsls0594m000)
    4. Sales Quotation Parameters (tdsls0100s100)
  • The origin of the generated sales quotation is Opportunity.
  • The Price Origin of the generated sales quotation lines is Manual, so prices and discounts are not automatically recalculated.
  • If the opportunity's item has a linked peg, the peg is copied to the generated sales quotation line.
  • If no items are linked to an opportunity, you can choose to only generate a sales quotation header and no quotation lines.

You cannot generate a sales quotation from an opportunity if its Status is Dead, Won, Lost, or Canceled


An essential part of the customer relations management functionality is the ability to create activities to schedule for business objects (business partners, contacts, opportunities, or other activities), and to track the progress of these activities.

An activity is an appointment, call, task, mailing, or e-mail that must be created or executed by a user and that is registered in LN. Activities include, for example, phone calls, mailings, visits, and surveys. Optionally, tasks, appointments, and calls can be synchronized with Microsoft Exchange.

In the Activities (tccom6100m000) session, activities can be created and linked to business objects. Activities can be manually created or automatically generated.

Manual creation of activities

In the Activities (tccom6100m000) session, you can manually create these activities:


The Activities (tccom6100m000) session can be started stand-alone, but also appears as a tab in these sessions:

  • Business Partners (tccom4100s000)
  • Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000)
  • Contact (tccom1640m000)
  • Activities (tccom6100m000)
Follow-up activities

An activity can also result in another activity. Therefore, from an appointment, call, task, mailing, or e-mail, follow-up activities can be created of the types Call, Task, Appointment, and Email.

In one of the activities sessions, you can manually create these follow-up activities:


If an activity is generated from another activity:

  • The Contact, Business Partner, and Business Object references are copied to the new activity.
  • A reference to the original activity is specified in the new activity. You can update all references in the follow-up activity, except for the reference to the original activity.
  • The attendees or recipients of the original activity are copied to the new activity.
Automatic generation of activities

In the Global Addition of Activities (tdsmi2210m100) session, you can globally add activities to multiple business partners, opportunities, and so on, at one time.

Based on an activity template, which you can define in the Activity Templates (tdsmi0155m000) session, you can automatically generate these activities:

Link to activities

The following can be linked to an activity:

  • Attributes
    You can link attributes to an activity in the Attributes (tdsmi2101m000) session, which appears as a tab in most activity sessions. For example, the activity is a survey, and the questions to be asked to the business partner are created as attributes and linked to the activity. When employees perform this activity, they open the attributes fields and enter the answers to the survey in the attributes fields as they obtain the information over the phone.
  • Notes
    You can link notes to an activity in the Notes (tcstl1550m000) session, which appears as a tab in all activity sessions.
  • References
    You can link references to an activity in the References by Activity (tccom6115m000) session, which appears as a tab in all activity sessions.
  • Attendees
    You can invite attendees to a call or an appointment in the Attendee (tccom6105m000) session, which appears as a tab in the Call (tccom6600m200) and Appointment (tccom6600m100) sessions. If the Synchronize check box is selected in these sessions, calls and appointments are synchronized with an attendee's calendar events in Microsoft Exchange.
  • Recipients
    You can select recipients for an e-mail in the Recipients (tccom6600m900) session, which can be started from the Email (tccom6600m500) session.
  • Attachments
    You can link attachments to an e-mail in the Attachments (tccom6110m000) session, which can be started from the Email (tccom6600m500) session.

Letters to business partners and mass mailings are common marketing activities. In CRM, you can create, save, and modify letters. You can use the mail merge functionality to print a generic letter that contains specific business partner information. You can export letters to other word processing programs to use functionality such as spell checkers.

The procedure to create and print letters includes the following steps:

Step 1. To create letters

In the Letters (tdsmi1150m000) session, you can create letters to send to business partners. You can create the letters in a generic format, which you can merge later with specific business partner information.

You can use a text editor to define the actual body of the letter. For more information, refer to CRM – Text Editor.

Step 2. To use mail merge

In the Mail Merge by Standard Letter (tdsmi2410m000) session, you can print or process letters for business partners (prospects or customers), opportunities, contacts, or activities. You can specify a range of data that must be printed in the mail merge.

Selection expressions

A selection expression enables a user to define search criteria to create a target group. This target group can be used to specify who to include in a particular action. Selection expressions are used to create targeted ranges for opportunities, global additions of attributes and activities, letters (mail merges), and reports. Selection expressions are similar to targeting criteria used in spreadsheet and database programs, such as Microsoft Excel.

Selection expressions are created in the Selections (tdsmi0170m000) session after which they are used for letters, reports, and so on. They can be simple or complex, which depends on the criteria used. You can use a text editor to define the expressions. For more information, refer to CRM – Text Editor.


A company has created an attribute to attach to their business partners that lists the date on which the business partners became a business partner. A selection expression can be created to find the business partners who became a business partner during the last 45 days. The selection expression can use the attribute to come up with that target group. The company also uses phases to track the progress they made with their business partners. One phase indicates that the business partner requires extra information. The selection expression can use that phase to target the business partners that the company must call or send information.

The Selections (tdsmi0170m000) session lists the codes and descriptions of the selections defined by the users. Check boxes indicate if text is present for a selection or if an expression is defined for a selection. Both text and expressions are created by means of the text functionality on the Edit menu. On the appropriate menu, you can select Compile Expression to check the syntax of the selection expression. This is not mandatory, but you can use this option as a precaution.


You can define reports to view user-defined data. The information included in a report is determined by various criteria. In CRM, you can create reports to view data based on your requirements.

The procedure to define reports includes the following steps:

Step 1. To define a report

To create a report, you must first define a code, a description, and some general header and footer information in the Reports (tdsmi0180s000) session.

Step 2. To create report layouts

The column definitions, which indicate the information that must be included in the report columns, are defined in the Report Layouts (tdsmi0181s000) session. This information can include table fields or attributes.

Step 3. To print reports

In the Flexible Printing (tdsmi2410m100) session, you can print and process the reports defined in CRM.

Customer 360

In a company, account managers are responsible for maintaining relations with sold-to business partners, also referred to as accounts, or trade relations. They spend a lot of time on handling business partner requests and proposals. As a result, they must have a good insight in the status of the sold-to business partners they are responsible for.

The Customer 360 (tdsmi1500m000) session provides an overview of sold-to business partner information and enables an account manager to easily perform multiple business partner-related tasks. With this session, account managers are supported in their daily tasks of handling business partner requests and proposals in a flexible and correct way.


If you select the Only show the Business Partners for Account Manager check box, only the business partners that are relevant for the specific account manager are displayed.