Freight rate retrieval

In Pricing, freight rates are stored to calculate the transportation costs of items listed on:

  • Freight order lines
  • Freight order clusters
  • Sales order lines
  • Sales quotation lines
  • Loads
  • Shipments

To determine the transportation costs of, for example, a sales order line, LN retrieves the freight rate from freight rate books. To find the correct freight rate book, LN uses freight rate matrices.

The retrieval of the correct freight rate matrix is controlled by the following:

  • The invoicing method selected on the order header or in the Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000) session. If the invoicing method is Client Rates, client rates are searched for. If the invoicing method is Freight Costs or Freight Costs (Update Allowed), carrier rates are searched for. If the invoicing method is set to Not Applicable, no freight rates are searched for.
  • The Carrier Freight Rate Control and Client Freight Rate Control parameters in the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session, which can be set to First Rate or Lowest Rate.

To retrieve freight rates from a freight rate matrix, LN looks for valid freight rate books in the freight rate matrices for which a matrix priority is defined. LN searches the freight rate matrices for a matrix definition and matrix attributes that match the properties of the sales order line, shipment, freight order cluster, and so on. Note that all of the matrix attributes must match the properties of the sales order line, freight order cluster, shipment, and so on. When found, the freight rate book of the freight rate matrix, in which the matrix definition and the matrix attributes are stored, is used to calculate the transportation costs of the sales order line.


For loads and shipments, freight rates from more than one freight rate book can be used to calculate the freight costs. This depends on the properties of the loads or shipments involved.