Sales schedules and Warehousing

After the ordered items on a sales schedule line are approved, you can ship them. To ship the items, you must release the sales schedule to Warehousing.


One of the following must be released to Warehousing:

  • Approved sales schedule lines with the Requirement set to Immediate or Firm.
  • Planned warehouse orders, which are generated for approved sales schedule lines if the Use Contracts for Schedules check box is selected in the Sales Contract Parameters (tdsls0100s300) session.
Releasing sales schedules and planned warehouse orders to Warehousing

If the sales schedule is based on a sales contract with a linked terms and conditions agreement, the sales schedule or planned warehouse order is automatically released to Warehousing if, in the Schedule Terms and Conditions (tctrm1131m000) session, the following check boxes are selected:

If these check boxes are cleared, you must use the Release Sales Schedules to Order (tdsls3207m000) or Release Pick-up Sheets to Warehousing (tdsls3207m100) session to release the sales schedule, pick-up sheet, or planned warehouse order to Warehousing.

If a sales schedule (line) or planned warehouse order is released to Warehousing, LN creates a warehousing order for the sales schedule/planned warehouse order and creates outbound order lines for the sales schedule lines/planned warehouse orders. When an outbound order line is created for a sales schedule line, the sales schedule line receives the Order Generated status. When an outbound order line is created for a planned warehouse order, the planned warehouse order receives the Released to Warehousing status.


LN carries out the outbound procedure and shipment procedure as specified for the warehousing order type that is linked to the warehousing order.

Releasing sequence shipping schedules to Warehousing

If a sales schedule line of the Sequence Shipping Schedule type is created, sequence shipping information is created in the Sequence Shipping Information (tdsls3517m000) session. In this session, LN keeps track of the sequence shipping information revisions.

After the sales schedule line is released to Warehousing, LN also creates sequence shipping data in the Shipping Sequence (whinh4520m000) session of Warehouse Management. In this session, only the latest revision of the shipping sequence information is filed.

The shipping sequence information informs you about the sequence in which your ship-to business partner needs the items on the assembly line. Therefore, you must ship the goods in the sequence that is specified in the Shipping Sequence (whinh4520m000) session. The shipping sequence data is used to create shipments and shipment lines. LN creates a shipment for each shipment reference. Each shipping sequence results in a shipment line.

Shipping for sales schedules

If, in Warehousing, items are shipped for a sales schedule line, LN assigns one of the following statuses to the sales schedule line and planned warehouse order:

  • Sales schedule line

    • Partially Shipped
      A part of the ordered quantity is shipped. If planned warehouse orders are used, this status is not applicable for the sales schedule line.
    • Goods Delivered
      The entire ordered quantity is shipped.
  • Planned warehouse order

    • Partially Delivered
      The first shipment line is confirmed in Warehousing for this warehouse order. Other lines are still to be confirmed.
    • Finalized
      The last shipment is confirmed in Warehousing for this warehouse order or the shipment process is finished without an actual shipment, for example when a warehouse order is canceled.

If items are shipped for a sales schedule line, LN:

  • Updates the total quantity shipped for the sales schedule in the Shipped CUM (tdsls3532m000) session and the Sales Schedules (tdsls3111m000) session.
  • Creates an actual delivery line with the Goods Delivered status in the Sales Schedule Actual Delivery Lines (tdsls3140m000) session.
  • Updates the Last Shipment ID, Last Delivery Date, and the Delivered Quantity in the Sales Schedule - Lines (tdsls3107m000) session.

If not the entire ordered quantity is shipped and the sales schedule is terminated, the sales schedule line receives the Goods Delivered status. As a result, the remaining ordered quantity that is not shipped can no longer be shipped. For more information on terminating sales schedules, refer to Terminating sales schedules.