Pull forecast schedules

A pull schedule of the type forecast is a nonreferenced schedule that can be generated only by Enterprise Planning and that cannot be manually created.

Based on the parameters and triggers, the following steps are completed:

Step 1. Generating a schedule header and lines

LN generates a schedule header and schedule lines in the Purchase Schedule - Lines (tdpur3610m000) session.

Before a pull forecast schedule can be automatically generated by Enterprise Planning, the following information is exchanged between Enterprise Planning and Purchase Control:

  • Determination of supplier

    To determine a supplier, the following steps are completed:

    1. Enterprise Planning sends the required item (group) and warehouse to Purchase Control.
    2. Purchase Control searches for approved suppliers based on the priority levels defined on the Buy-from BP Search for Purchase Schedules tab of the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session.
    3. Purchase Control sends all valid business partners to Enterprise Planning, after which Enterprise Planning selects a supplier.
  • Determination of requirement dates
    To determine requirement dates, Enterprise Planning carries out lead time offsetting. To carry out lead time offsetting, you must generate planned delivery moments far enough in the future in the Generate Planned Delivery Moments (tdipu0225m000) session. The generated planned delivery moments are stored in the Planned Delivery Moments (Shipment Based) (tdipu0125m000) session or the Planned Delivery Moments (Delivery Based) (tdipu0126m000) session, from which they can be called on by Enterprise Planning. For more information, refer to Using planned delivery moments.
  • Determination of supply
    Depending on a number of constraints, schedule lines can be generated.

LN only generates a new schedule if Enterprise Planning does not find an existing pull schedule for a combination of item, buy-from business partner, ship-from business partner, and purchase office. Schedule lines are regarded the same if the Planned Receipt Date and Option List ID fields are equal.

Although you cannot manually create pull forecast schedules, if no schedule lines exist yet, you can update an active pull forecast schedule in the Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000) session.

Step 2. Regenerating schedule lines

Schedule lines must be regenerated in the Regenerate Schedules (tdpur3211m000) session.

For pull-forecast schedules, regeneration is performed only to retrieve the correct segment set, pattern code, and buyer for the purchase schedule.

For more information on using segment sets when regenerating purchase schedule lines, refer to Using segment sets.

Step 3. Generating a purchase release

The Generate Release Lines (tdpur3222m000) session is used to perform these actions:

  • Generate purchase release lines, which are displayed in the Purchase Release - Lines (tdpur3121m000) session. For more information, refer to Purchase releases.
  • Cluster schedule lines, which are displayed in the Purchase Release Line - Details (tdpur3522m000) session. For more information, refer to Clustering purchase schedule lines.
Step 4. Approving the purchase release

The purchase release must be approved in the Approve Release Lines (tdpur3222m100) session.

Step 5. Printing the purchase release

The purchase release must be printed in the Print Purchase Releases (tdpur3422m000) session.

If the Communication Channel field is EDI in the Purchase Contract Line Logistic Data (tdpur3102m000) and Item - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) sessions and the Release EDI Message Directly check box is also selected in these sessions, you need not print the purchase release in the Print Purchase Releases (tdpur3422m000) session. LN automatically prints the purchase release.

Step 6. Inserting authorizations

Authorizations are inserted in the FAB/RAW Authorizations (tdpur3534m000) session.

Pull forecast schedules use the required cumulatives from the pull call-off schedule to calculate fab authorizations and raw authorizations.

For more information, refer to Purchase schedule authorizations.

Step 7. Generating a pull call-off schedule

A pull call-off schedule must be generated.

For more information, refer to Pull call-off schedules.