Rate determiners in Sales

You can specify rate determiners to decide which date is used to determine the exchange rates. Amounts in foreign currencies are converted to the home currency, based on the valid exchange rate.

A company's currency system, which you can define in the Currency Type field of the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session, defines how amounts are calculated and registered.

These currency systems are available:

Based on the currency system, you can specify the following rate determiners in Sales:

Currency System:Single Currency
Rate Determiners:Document Date
Expected Cash Date
Manually Entered
Delivery Date


Currency System:Independent currency
Rate Determiners:Document Date
Expected Cash Date
Manually Entered
Fixed Hard
Fixed Local
Fixed Local and Hard
Delivery Date


Currency System:Dependent Currency
Rate Determiners:Document Date
Expected Cash Date
Manually Entered
Delivery Date



For more information on the function of each rate determiner, refer to Currency Rate Determiner.

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