Calculating ratings for subjective criteria

If you do a full update of the vendor ratings in the Update Vendor Rating (tdpur8850m000) session, the calculation of the ratings for the subjective criteria is the third stage in the vendor rating calculation procedure.

LN completes the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the subjective values per business partner from the Questionnaire Results (tdpur8193m000) session.
  2. Assigns the percentage values, which are stated in the Vendor Rating Subjective Values (tdpur8192m000) session, to the corresponding subjective values.
  3. Calculates the average rating for each subjective criterion per business partner.

The overall rating of a business partner/subjective criterion combination is calculated as follows:

Overall rating per criterion = SUM / OCC

SUMAll percentage values that are assigned to one business partner/subjective criterion combination.
OCCThe number of times that percentage values are assigned for the business partner/subjective criterion combination. A not applicable value is not taken into account.
Example 1

A business partner is rated on two subjective criteria by several employees:

  • CS = Customer service
  • DS = Delivery service
Subjective CriterionSubjective Value% valueEmployee
DSNot applicable**Carol


The overall ratings for the business partner/subjective criterion combination are:

  • CS = (50 + 60 + 40) / 3 = 50%
  • DS = (80 + 60 ) / 2 = 70%

After the calculation, LN writes the ratings to the following sessions:

  • Vendor Ratings by Period (tdpur8102m000)
  • Vendor Ratings by Criterion (tdpur8102m100)
Example 2

The same example is used as stated above, but this time the subjective criterion CS contains three subcriteria. The subcriteria have the following weightings:

Call Handling0.2


The following percentage values are assigned:

Subjective CriterionSubjective Value% ValueEmployee
Call HandlingExcellent80Arthur
Call HandlingAverage50Bob
Call HandlingExcellent80Carol
Support(not appl.)0Carol
DS(not appl.)0Carol


  1. To calculate the overall ratings
    LN calculates the overall ratings for the business partner/subjective criterion combination.
    • Flexibility = (50+60+40)/3 = 50%
    • Call Handling = (80+50+80)/3 = 70%
    • Support = (40+60)/2 = 50%
    • DS = (80+60)/2 = 70%
  2. To calculate the rating of the parent subjective criteria
    Parent criteria rating = sum (child criteria % values * weightings)
    • Flexibility = 50% * 0.4 = 20
    • Call handling = 70% * 0.2 = 14
    • Support = 50% * 0.4 = 20
    • CS rating = 20 + 14 + 20 = 54%
  3. To write the ratings

    After the calculation, LN writes the ratings to the following sessions:

    • Vendor Ratings by Period (tdpur8102m000)
    • Vendor Ratings by Criterion (tdpur8102m100)