Setting up vendor ratings

Before you can use the vendor rating procedure, you must complete a number of steps.

Step 1. Business Partners (tccom4100s000)

Vendor ratings are calculated for business partners that have the Vendor Rating check box selected for the various business partner roles. You can select the Vendor Rating check boxes in the following business-partner role sub-sessions that you can start from the Business Partners (tccom4100s000) session:

  • Buy-from Business Partners (tccom4120s000)
  • Ship-from Business Partners (tccom4121s000)
  • Invoice-from Business Partners (tccom4122s000)
  • Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000)
Step 2. Vendor Rating Parameters (tdpur0100m800)

Use this session to specify the following:

  • Weightings for the objective criteria
  • The method to calculate the overall vendor rating, which can be Moving Average, or Smoothing Factor
  • The basis or value on which the weighting of the vendor rating criteria takes place
  • The period table that is used for vendor rating
Step 3. Vendor Rating Objective Scoring Scheme (tdpur8195m000)

Use the Vendor Rating Objective Scoring Scheme (tdpur8195m000) session to create the scheme of values for the objective criteria that are set in the Vendor Rating Parameters (tdpur0100m800) session. An objective criterion is a criterion for which the score is calculated directly from the data in the system.

You must specify the Vendor Rating Objective Scoring Scheme (tdpur8195m000) session only if the following check boxes are selected in the Vendor Rating Parameters (tdpur0100m800) session:

  • Delivery Time
  • Delivery Quantity
  • Delivery Quality
  • Order Confirmation
  • Cost Performance

If these check boxes are cleared in the Vendor Rating Parameters (tdpur0100m800) session, LN rates the concerning objective values on a linear basis. In other words, if the objective scoring schemes are not used to convert objective values to rating percentages, a linear relationship exists between value and rating. As a result, LN automatically calculates the rating for each objective criterion.

Step 4. Vendor Rating Subjective Criteria (tdpur8190m000)

If you want to use additional criteria to calculate vendor ratings besides the objective criteria specified in the Vendor Rating Parameters (tdpur0100m800) session, you must specify subjective criteria in the Vendor Rating Subjective Criteria (tdpur8190m000) session. Subjective criteria are criteria that are based on user judgements from a questionnaire, which you can print in the Vendor Rating Questionnaires (tdpur8454m000) and for which you can enter the results in the Questionnaire Results (tdpur8193m000) session.

You can use the Business Partners without Questionnaire (tdpur8452m000) session to print the business partners who do not have vendor rating questionnaire results for the specified year or the period combination.

Step 5. Vendor Rating Subjective Values (tdpur8192m000)

To use subjective criteria, you must specify values to give to vendors on the subjective criteria. You can specify these values in the Vendor Rating Subjective Values (tdpur8192m000) session.

Step 6. Vendor Classification Scheme (tdpur8194m000)

Once all the criteria are used to calculate and get an overall rating for a vendor, a classification scheme can equate the overall rating to a classification. Use the Vendor Classification Scheme (tdpur8194m000) session to specify a classification scheme.


To calculate the vendor ratings, you must update the vendor ratings in the Update Vendor Rating (tdpur8850m000) session.