Copying purchase orders

You can copy existing purchase orders to new ones from the actual orders or the order history.

Copying procedure

You can use the Copy Purchase Order (tdpur4201s000) session to copy existing purchase orders to new purchase orders. To start this session, select an order (line) in the Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000) or the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session and then click the Duplicate Record button.

You can copy only one order at the same time. You cannot copy a range of orders.

Before you can copy, you must select the order lines you want to copy. To select the order lines, click the Select Lines... button and select the appropriate order lines. When you click the Select Lines... button, one of the following sessions is started:

  • Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4535s000)
    If you copy from the actual orders
  • Purchase Order History (tdpur4550m000)
    If you copy from order history

If you do not select the order lines to be copied, you get a message that no order lines are selected to copy from. In this case, nothing is copied.

You must manually specify the planned delivery date for the order. Prices and discounts can be copied or recalculated. If the order to be copied is linked to a contract, you can either leave the contract field blank if it is an invalid contract, or just not copy the order. You can aggregate the receipts (under some circumstances) or you can copy the receipts one by one.

Restrictions to copy orders

You cannot copy all orders in the Copy Purchase Order (tdpur4201s000) session. A number of restrictions apply:

  • All applicable checks are identical to those taking place during order (line) entry.
  • The supplier of a return order cannot be changed. If the original order is not a return order, the sign in front of amounts and quantities is reversed. The prices, discounts and rates are adopted from the original order.
  • Copying to a cost order is only possible if all items on the original order are cost and/or service items.
  • Order lines with project items are copied. If a different supplier is issued, the report contains a warning.
  • If you copy orders from the history, only turnover lines are included.
  • If you copy orders from current orders, LN takes the delivered quantity as its basis if this is filled. If not, the process is based on the order quantity.
Restrictions to copy order lines

There are a number of conditions that must be fulfilled before an order line can actually be copied. An order line cannot be copied if:

  • An order line is linked to a project that is not active or that is canceled.
  • An item is blocked.
  • An item's unit has no conversion factor.
  • The order series to copy to is full.
  • The order type to copy to is not correct because it is the wrong company, or a collect order is copied when ILC is on.
  • The contract of the order to copy from is not correct.
  • The order to copy from is not present.
  • The history order to copy from has no invoiced lines.
  • The receipt date is before the order date.

LN checks all these conditions. A report can be printed to show the result of the copying action.