Processing purchase orders/schedules

In the Process Purchase Orders (tdpur4223m000) session, you can process purchase orders and order lines, and in the Process Purchase Schedules (tdpur3223m000) session, you can process purchase schedules and schedule lines.

If Financials is implemented, purchase schedule lines with the Invoiced status can be processed. If Financials is not implemented, purchase schedule lines with the Final Receipt status are processed.


During processing, LN performs the following actions:

  • Inserts turnover history.
  • Updates the contract data and history (if a contract is used). The called quantity amount is lowered, and the invoiced quantity and amount are raised. The turnover is written to the contract history. This action is only performed if the Log Turnover on Contract check box is selected in the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session. This step enables you to see which order/schedule has called off a quantity for a contract.
  • Updates the invoice-from business partner's balance.
  • Updates the average/latest purchase price. If Financials is implemented, this action is performed during the invoice matching procedure, which you can carry out after approving the invoice in the Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1104m000) session.
  • Writes and/or updates turnover history using the actual purchase price. A posting is made with a positive and a negative quantity.

    This action only happens if:

    • The Log Order History check box is selected and the Level of Intake Logging is set to All in the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session.
    • The Log Schedule History check box is selected and the Level of Intake Logging is set to All in the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session.
  • Sets the status of the purchase schedule (line) to Processed.
  • Changes the status of the schedule header from Termination in Process to Terminated when all lines are processed or canceled.
  • In case of consignment, two purchase orders can exist. One for the replenishment and one for the payment of the goods. The consignment replenishment order can be linked to a contract. When the consignment replenishment order is processed, the contract data is not updated, because no invoice is made for that order.

    At the moment the consignment payment is done and the order is processed, LN:

    1. Searches for the consignment replenishment order
    2. Retrieves the contract from the consignment replenishment order
    3. Updates called quantities/amounts and invoiced quantities/amounts on the purchase contract
  • Processing of purchase orders and matching and approving of purchase orders in Financials can be executed independently from each other. For instance, you can approve the purchase invoice after you processed the purchase order. In this case, the invoice amount is not written to a turnover history record. As a result, you must repair the situation by running the Process Purchase Orders (tdpur4223m000) session again. In this case, LN notices that the invoice amount is not written yet to a turnover history record and adds additional turnover history records (- and +) with the invoice amount.