Overview of purchase schedule handling

A purchase schedule is a timetable of planned supply of materials. Purchase schedules support long-term purchasing with frequent deliveries and are usually backed by a purchase contract. All requirements for the same item, buy-from business partner, ship-from business partner, purchase office, and warehouse are stored in one schedule. Purchase schedules are used instead of standard purchase orders in cases where full visibility and time phasing of material requirement information is required. Therefore, purchase schedules provide a more detailed way to specify the delivery dates/times per item.

The following types of purchase schedules exist:

  • Push schedule
    A list of time-phased requirements, generated by a central planning system, such as Enterprise Planning or Project that is sent to the purchase business partner. Push schedules contain both a forecast for the longer term and actual orders for the short term. A push schedule is a non-referenced schedule.
  • Pull forecast schedule
    A list of time-phased planned requirements, generated by Enterprise Planning, that is sent to the purchase business partner. Pull forecast schedules are only used for forecasting purposes. To order the items, a pull call-off schedule must be generated with the same schedule number as the pull forecast schedule. Similar to a push schedule, a pull forecast schedule is also a non-referenced schedule.
  • Pull call-off schedule
    A list of time-phased specific requirements of purchased items, triggered from Assembly Control, Shop Floor Control, or Warehousing (KANBAN, Time-phased order point). A pull call-off schedule is a referenced schedule.
Purchase schedule master data

Before you can perform the purchase schedule procedure, you must specify the purchase schedule master data.

For more information, refer to:

Before you can create a purchase schedule, you must also:

  1. Specify the following item data in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session:
  2. Set up a segment set as follows:
    1. Specify segments in the Schedule Segments (tdipu0115m000) session.
    2. Specify a segment set in the Schedule Segment Sets (tdipu0113m000) session.
    3. Add the segments to the segment set in the Segment Set - Segments (tdipu0114m000) session.
    For more information, refer to Using segment sets.
  3. Specify patterns in the Patterns (tcccp0690m000) session.
  4. Define the following parameters:
    • The fields on the Schedules tab of the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session.
    • The Number Group for Purchase Orders field in the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session.
    • The purchase schedule related parameters that apply for an item and business partner combination in the Purchase Contract Line Logistic Data (tdpur3102m000) or Item - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) sessions. For more information, refer to Purchase schedule release types.
  5. Store delivery patterns by warehouse, buy-from business partner/ship-from business partner and item in the Delivery Patterns by Warehouse / BP / Item (tdipu0124m000) session. Based on the combinations in this session, planned delivery moments can be generated in the Generate Planned Delivery Moments (tdipu0225m000) session.
  6. Generate planned delivery moments in the Generate Planned Delivery Moments (tdipu0225m000) session to determine when an item can be delivered. The dates returned, listed in the Planned Delivery Moments (Shipment Based) (tdipu0125m000) and Planned Delivery Moments (Receipt Based) (tdipu0126m000) sessions, are used by Enterprise Planning for lead time offsetting.
Push schedule procedure

The following steps are or must be completed in the push schedule procedure:

  1. To generate a schedule header and lines
  2. To regenerate schedule lines
  3. To generate a purchase release (line)
  4. To approve the purchase release line
  5. To print the purchase release
  6. To insert authorizations
  7. To insert receipt details
  8. To insert cumulatives
  9. To reset the cumulatives and authorizations
  10. To update history and turnover data

For more information, refer to Push schedules.

Pull forecast schedule procedure

Based on the parameters and triggers, the following steps are completed in the pull forecast schedule procedure:

  1. To generate a schedule header and lines
  2. To regenerate schedule lines
  3. To generate a purchase release
  4. To approve the purchase release
  5. To print the purchase release
  6. To insert authorizations.
  7. To generate a pull call-off schedule

For more information, refer to Pull forecast schedules.

Pull call-off schedule procedure

Based on the parameters and triggers, the following steps are completed automatically in the pull call-off schedule procedure:

  1. To generate a schedule header
  2. To generate schedule lines.
  3. To generate a purchase release
  4. To print the purchase release
  5. To insert receipt details
  6. To insert cumulatives
  7. To reset the cumulatives and authorizations
  8. To update history and turnover data

For more information, refer to Pull call-off schedules.